So Close....Baby

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*Kate pov*
The last time I walked on aisle, I was with dad we we're both smiling and happy because finally i will be with the man of my dreams but now I'm walking here again on aisle but unlike the old times I'm walking alone and unhappy, without love and to the man that I don't know, to the man who is stranger to me and so am I to him, we  we're both stranger to each other but we share the same goal and that is to bring Isaac down to his place .

While I was walking on aisle, I  saw Rona smiling at me but something is wrong because she is smiling like she is really happy for me. but why?! i turned my face on the floor while I'm walking..The day I marry Isaac I never saw that expression on the face of Rona in fact she was crying because she knew I will never be happy with him and she was right. Today she also should be crying and not smiling like I deserved this ! because today is no difference I will vow without love once again..I don't understand everything! When i bring my gaze to the Altar, I was taken a back...


Why he is smiling at me?!

Why there's a spark on his eyes?

Why? Isaac didn't looked that way on our wedding day he just keep his eyes on the floor or on his watch like he just want it to end very soon....Lucas should have done the same!

Because he will be marrying the girl without love just like Isaac so he should have  done the exact way Isaac had looked at me! he should not show those expression like he is so happy to be my man soon, this is not right something is wrong..


HAH! right there's a lot of camera for this fake wedding...that is why he should give me those expression for show off...

I stop infront of him and he offer me his one arm to hold..

I looked to his eyes before to his arm....This arm will lift me up and will push Isaac down..

This is a game that! 

Man are all  liars and no matter what happened I will not allow my self to be  a fool once again once is enough for me to learned my lessons.

"You looked stunning"

Lucas told me, I bring my self so closed to his left ear.

"Enough of your dramas I just want this to be over as soon as possible."

I don't know why but after  I told him those lines his facial expression hardens but I don't give a damn as long as I DESTROY Isaac I will pay no attention to anyone or anything anymore.

"It is..and I can't stop my dramas since your lovely husband is watching"

I followed his eyes..I can't believe it! Isaac is standing while everyone is sitting and the look on his face like he had seen ghost.. I cover my shocked expression to a smirked one and I face luke that is standing beside of me. 

"You didn't told me this"

He smile and put the strand of my hair on the back of my ears.

"Wheres the fun if I told you? come on honey its time for payback."

I can't respond back since sealed my mouth with the kiss. While I kiss back luke I let my eyes see the expression of Isaac knowing that The girl he thought has gone is now standing and kissing in front of him. He was about to take his rampage towards me without breaking our eye contact but Walden stop him and drag him outside of the Church. Its payback time ....can't wait to destroy you Isaac. 


*Isaac pov*




"and then what? destroy my cousin life once again?"

I turn to find bricks standing at the back of Walden.

"You! it was you isn't it?'

"What are you talking about?"

"You told me kate is already dead! it was you!'

"Haha..your insane your the one who killed my cousin and then now your accusing me for faking her death..why Isaac? whats make you think that the girl who is standing in front of all of us is the same girl who you destroyed?! she not anymore the Kate we all know!"


"RIGHT SHE WAS YOU WIFE! but that was after you destroyed her life. I'm warning you try to destroy this day of her and I show you no mercy.!"

"You can't stop me!"

I was about to enter the church once again, until My vision turned black..


I try to reached for the door until black took over.


Sorry for supper late update mamaya naman ulit..since tapos na ang finals namin I try my best to focus here,, so mamaya nanaman ang sunod na UD. thanks for voting and the comments guys. 

Tears Of the Great Wife!  Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon