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JUNE 6TH, 1982

CYNTHIA HADN'T TALKED about that forehead kiss-thing to anyone.

Didn't say that her heart practically lit up when it happened. She was awake enough to feel and know it happened, yet still tired enough to go back to sleep.

She had gotten dropped off by this man, David, who had to pretend to be her father. She was nervous to sort of be working with HYDRA, but she wasn't going to say anything to stop it if it meant spending more time with Bucky, or Win. 

Cynthia hated to be doing this again, yet, here she was, prepping with Win in some small town, getting ready to send it into destruction. Win looked at her through his goggles, and was trying to decipher all these feelings that were going through his body. He was confused as to why his heart would shudder a little bit when he looked at her. When she had first arrived, driven by the man who was pretending to be her father, she asked him the question: Who are you?

Win had replied, Win, but some other, small, part of him wanted to say Bucky instead, but he pushed that feeling down, down, deep into him.

"Are you going to be credited for this?" Cynthia asked, and Win shook his head.

"No, HYDRA wants to pin this on you," He replied, and Cynthia groaned. "I suppose they did that last time, too?" Cynthia asked, and Win hesitantly nodded. Cynthia rolled her eyes, and said, "Let's go."

The two descended down a stone staircase, at least four cars out on the roads. It was a quarter to five in the morning, so not many people were awake. A few hours earlier, Cynthia had hacked all of the traffic cameras and disabled them, so as of right now, until Cynthia finished disabling all the security cameras. But she would need a computer to do so first.

Splitting up but carrying radios (basically walkie talkies, Cynthia jokingly noted to herself), Cynthia went to the nearest tech shop, hoping they would have a computer she could borrow before she broke it. Crouching down and keeping out her hair pin, she wiggled the pin around in the lock for a few moments before it unlocked, and Cynthia grinned slightly as she took the lock off the door handle, and walked in quietly to the store. She took note of the bell hanging above the door, and held it as she came in so then it wouldn't jingle.

Tip-toeing around the shop until she found a computer she was sure she could use, she brought it off the display case and sat down on the floor, laying her gun down next to her. She had splurged the week before, buying herself a new gun and a silencer from a very sketchy place there in New York. When the man pretending to be her father, David Barlow, had pulled up and picked her up, he had to use the entire trip to establish a few ground rules with her, and they had to get to know each other a little so then they could act more like a father and a daughter.

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