Chapter Thirteen

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Instead of her usual white sheath dress, Rai wore one dyed black with a thin veil shielding half of her face

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Instead of her usual white sheath dress, Rai wore one dyed black with a thin veil shielding half of her face. Her steps were silent as she moved according to the direction she heard from Quatesh. He was a constant presence now. Unlike the situation with Ra whom she had to perform numerous rituals to gain an audience, Quatesh was ever present. It was somewhat comforting.

Rai had come to the pharaoh's palace through the servant's entrance. So far, no guard had stopped or noticed her. All thanks to the power of Quatesh. The thought was heady, getting to share this power without bending and breaking over numerous rituals.

It was nearly noon and the multitude of Israelites had already left since the third watch. Rai scowled as she recalled the Egyptians giving the slaves articles of gold, silver and numerous precious possessions. Their patronising action was a blow to her pride and a reminder of her failure to prevent the tenth plague from happening. Had the Israelites bewitched her people? Not only had their existence brought suffering to their land, but now, they were skipping away with all the treasures of Egypt.

Pharaoh Ramesses did nothing to stop his subjects from grovelling. Rai had spied him standing at his window of appearance, staring at the vast crowd of exiting slaves and doing nothing as his people were fleeced of their belongings. Rai gritted her teeth and clenched her fist at the memory.

Calm down, Rai. Victory rarely goes to the hot-headed.

Rai stiffened at the sound of Quatesh's words in her ear.

In due time I will get my revenge against the Israelites. This I promise.

Rai visibly calmed at his assurance. She was standing beside a pillar opposite a corridor with about four doors lining each wall.

"What next?" Rai whispered as she fiddled with her thin gold staff. She was not feeling so confident now. The nagging fear of the guards suddenly snapping out of whatever hold Quatesh had on them and pouncing on her tormented her imagination. And Quatesh was stingy with the details of why he wanted her back in the palace, a place her sense of preservation was pleading with her not to visit.

Go to the last door on the right. Enter the room without knocking.

Rai gulped but proceeded to do as Quatesh commanded. Taking quiet measured steps, she pushed the heavy door open and confidently stepped in. But when she looked up, her heart did a slow sink to her stomach as her tall frame stiffened in shock.

Right before her stood Pharaoh Ramesses along with the four royal embalmers. His dead sons were lying prone on a wide table.

It was like stepping into the open maws of a lion or being pushed down a great mountain. Acting on instinct, Rai willed her body to move, to run for her dear life. But to Rai's horror, she was frozen to the spot.

What was this betrayal?

"Do not panic and submit yourself to your king's wrath," Quatesh said in a calm voice. "All will be well."

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