•Nostalgic nightmares•

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Dedicated to: all my readers. You're all fucking beautiful x

I guesstimate that this story will have... around 5-10 chapters left

P.s this chapter is poorly written but it is pretty long.
(Idk nothing about doctors either.)



Johanna Tomlinson was 21, fresh out of Cambridge University with a goal to become a well paid paediatrician and help care for sick children. She had managed to snag herself a job at the local hospital and planned to work her way up the hospital ladder. But those plans changed when she met a man by the name of Christian Walker.

The two had met one evening in town, Jay having gone into town to buy her small apartment some much needed groceries; reaching up for a baguette in one of the top shelves in the bakery section of the shop and promptly hit someone across the head when she had turned around. She had gasped in horror, broken in half baguette forgotten as the man who had been attacked by a flying bread rubbed the side of his head in shock and bewilderment.

"Well... That doesn't happen every day." He had joked once he had looked up to see Johanna stare at him wide-eyed. "I am so sorry, I never meant to. Let me repay you somehow!" She had rambled on, halting when the man held up his hand with a chuckle.

"It's no big deal. You can repay me by going on a date with me?" He offered.

"But I don't even know your name and vice versa."

"Right. Well, I'm Christian or Chris. And you are, gorgeous?" He had smiled at her, charming smile putting her at ease and a pink tint finding it's way onto her cheeks.

"You... You, I, I'm Johanna. Or Jay."

And just like that, it had sealed the deal. Later that week the two went on that promised date, and hit it off immediately, and a few months later the two were dating.

He was 3 years older than her, charming and intelligent, and everything she wanted in a man. His hair was naturally brunette with frosted tips.

Honestly, Johanna thought a man like this belonged in old wives tales despite his intimidating appearance.

He had two full sleeves and some scattered around his body, lip pierced which glinted every time he spoke. But, it was his dark hazel eyes were what drew her in.

She was in love.

Chris treated her like a princess, showering her with love and affection despite his intimidating exterior. She loved everthing about him.

Her parents called her silly and naive for dating such a 'delinquent', clearly not approving of their daughter's choices as she was supposed to go out into the medical world and become a full time successful doctor.

But they knew it was too late.

She fell. And she fell fast.


A year had passed and Jay and Chris were still going strong. They had even moved into their own small apartment that resided in the just outside the center of London.

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