•Dancing King•

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Dedicated to :

@dejected_lero because I've read nearly all her stories and they are phenominal and I think she is talented. FOLLOW AND READ HER STORIES! Simply talented. Nuff Said.


When Louis had been dropped off by Niall, he walked up to his front door and knocked on the wood barrier 3 times. He heard shuffling inside and turned to glance behind him. He didn’t like the dark. The sun was setting and giving off scary shadows, while it casted orangey-pink streaks in the sky. While he loved the sky, it was getting dark... and quickly. He knocked again –more frantically- and slightly jumped in his spot.

“Coming! Hold on!” his mother’s voice called, followed by a clattered of metal. “Bollocks!” the voice exclaimed. Louis giggled into his cardigan sleeve and clutched his rented book to his chest. “Mumma! Hurry, it’s getting cold and the door won’t open” He laughed. He heard his mother laughing, before the door swung open. Arms wrapped around his small frame, “BooBear!” she cooed, kissing his forehead. She pulled away before straightening his slowly dying flower crown. She tugged Louis inside, closing the door behind her and walked him to the lounge. She told Louis to pick out a movie and get snuggled in. He did what he was told, putting in Mamma Mia! (One of his all time favourites, beside Disney movies) And crawled back over to the couch and curled into a ball, with a pale blue blanket wrapped around him. He was watching the trailers, giggling every now and then.

Jay walked in hands carrying a bowl of popcorn, two ice-cream sandwiches and two mango smoothies. At the sound of Louis’ laugh, she looked up and cooed at the sight of him. Jay set down the treats and sat down next to her son. Louis looked up at her with a huge smile and cuddled into her side as she wrapped her arm around him and ran her fingers through his hair.

“What are we watching Loubear?” she asked, getting the ice-cream sandwiches and handed Louis one. He gratefully took it, peeling back the plastic and bit into the cookie creamy goodness. “Mamma Mia” he mumbled around his desert. Well it sounded more like Marmpfh Mfha. Jay gave her son a pointed look, obviously disapproving of talking with food in his mouth. He smiled sheepishly, his cheeks flushing. Louis swallowed and cleared his throat. “Mamma Mia, mumma” he giggled. She just rolled her eyes, smiling and grabbed the remote, pressing play.


The next morning Louis found himself on the couch snuggled next to his mum. The popcorn bowl had fallen on the ground, popcorn spread all over the plush carpet. His flower crown had now lost its colour, which made Louis frown a little.

He sat up, stretching and covered his mum with his blue blanket and started cleaning up the lounge. Popcorn pieces were everywhere. Meaning; inside the carpet, under the couch and coffee table and even a few in his hair.

Louis started humming to Dancing Queen, -Dancing King in his defence- as he took the smoothie cups up to the sink and back into the Lounge room. 

“You are the dancing king, young and free. Only seventeen” he sang quietly, as he twirled around the room. “Oh yeah”.

He grabbed a broom, pretending it was a microphone. He swayed his hips and pointed to his imaginary crowd.

“You can dance! You can jive! Having the time of your life!” the small boy belted out. He swept the floor, brushing away all the dirt and popcorn bits off the wood floor. As he swept and danced across the now cleaned floor, he didn’t notice Jay or Niall watching on, with smirking/amused faces.  

Louis spun on his heel “See that boy, *point*, watch that scene, *hands above eyes* digging the dancing king!!” he yelled, giggling as he feel backwards onto the couch. Clapping and chuckles erupted in the room, making Louis squeal in embarrassment and covered his face behind dainty hands. Heat flooded his cheeks as he peaked out from behind his fingers, to see his mother and Niall watching his every move with amused faces.

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