•Show Your Soft Side•

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Dedication: shtyles

Hello! I HAVE UPDATED! *Fistpump* Okay so this chapter is Harry Showing abit of softness to some certain people in his life ;)



Harry had a lot of errands to run. Just because he was a Gang leader, didn’t mean he couldn’t visit his family, they lived about 10 km away from the Angel’s Demons mansion. He had his family under heavy security and had his mum Anne and little brother Ashton, change their last name to Irwin. He didn’t want any harm coming towards his family.  Harry might be seen as a cold-hearted murderer on the outside, but he had a soft side only his family saw.

He drove down the long winding driveway that was surrounded by trees; their leaves were turning into orange, pink, brown colours and shedding onto the road. Harry drove out, turning right and down the country road. The engine purred as he cruised along the road with ease.

Yet he was slightly uncomfortable to be alone with his subconscious thoughts. The voices in his head gave him migraines most the time, making his thoughts confused from over-thinking. So as a resolution, he turned on the radio; loud enough for the sound to block his thoughts yet soft enough not to make it sound like some obnoxious teenager. He wasn’t a teenager anymore. He was 20 going on 21 in merely 3 months.

He sang along quietly to The Beatles ‘Hey Jude’ to himself, the gentle rhythm echoing inside his Range Rover. Harry was an oldies fan, he knew more about the 80’s than today’s Pop Music. His room was full of vinyls complete with a sleek white record player, a CD/tape boom box and racks swamped with tapes. So... yes, you could say he was a fan.

40 minutes later he pulled up to a small house, which was a one of few homes in the area. Climbing out of the car, he heard a yell of happiness from the door followed by a womanly gasp.

“HAZZZZZZZY!” he heard a high voice yell. The tall boy looked up, shutting his door hiding a small present behind his back, tucking it into his back pocket and enveloped his little brother in a hug.

“Well hello there Ashy.” He chuckled, looking down at his brother. Ashton looked like a miniature 7 year old version of Harry, with the curly hair, green eyes and dimples. Yet he had light brown hair, just like Harry did before he hit puberty and slight facial structure from their father.

He straightened up, looking over to their mother who stood to was cooing at the sibling bonding time. “Mum, c’mere and give me a hug” he laughed, waving his arm over. He picked up Ashton, setting him on his hip.

“Harry! You’ve grown into such a strapping young man.” She laughed hugging him, before pulling back and hitting his arm, Harry whining out a hey! “Why haven’t you called?! Or even drop a text once in a while?” Anne scolded. He just smiled sheepishly, while Ashton giggled at his side.

Harry looked around the area in caution, before nodding over to the door, indicating for them to go inside. Even though he had patrols and cameras watching the area, you can never be too careful.

Anne nodded, trailing after Harry and Ashton inside their home. Harry walked over to the couch letting his little brother crawl over him and into his lap. Anne sat on the recliner, wearing an oversized bed shirt with pink pyjama bottoms and fuzzy bunny slippers -Harry and Ashton’s combined birthday present 3 years ago- and raised her eyebrow at him, waiting for an explanation. No one except his mother intimidated him... and that was saying something.

“Um... I’m sorry? I just got caught up with work and forgot...” he smiled at her, all dimples and wide eyes. Anne just sighed, instantly forgiving him. Harry held his hand up secretly to Ashton, who high-fived him giggling.

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