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Dedicated to:

@1DLarry123 because I love her story 'Different Sides' and its awesome. It has ANGELS AND DEMONS! the best two things put into one story. Its so fluffy yet steamy haha! Its cool, you should read it. Like now. Well... not now now, but after.

And if you're reading this @1DLarry123 I just wanted to say.... HEY :D

Isn't Louis so pretty you wished you were him?

I do..

I mean look at him ^ he's beautiful.


(Edited. 28/09/16)

On the 17th of May is when Louis finally decides to go outside his safe sanctuary. Well he didn't really decide per-se. It was more like... forced out of his own home because he needed to 'get fresh air' and 'make friends'. His mother's words, not his. But before he could protest, his mother placed his crown on his head, threw a cardigan that draped over his face - which Louis giggled at - and stuffed his mobile into his pocket before shooing him out the door.

"Don't talk to strangers! And be back by sunset. Bye Baby Bear. Love you!" Jay called out before slamming the door.

He shook his head, muttering himself that it was 'how can you make friends without talking to strangers?' , 'Niall is all I need' and 'I'm in the garden. That's outside isn't it?' Yet his words were left unanswered.

Louis sighed before shrugging on his cardigan and fishing his phone out before texting Niall.

To: Irish King
hey! can you pick me up? Mum forced me out :( please??x

Louis opted to sit at the front of his driveway, picking at the grass and watching the cars drive by, while he waited for a reply.

2 minutes later his phone dinged indicating a message.

To: Loubear:)
sure m8! b ther in 5. c u soon.

To: Irish King
NIALL HORAN! You should ashamed of your spelling skills. Please fix them before I faint. x

To: Loubear:)
Yeh yeh. Not lyk the quen of englnd is gunna read dis m8. x

Louis rolled his eyes, a smile playing on his lips but didn't reply because Niall's navy blue pick up truck pulled up in front of him. His music blasting from the speakers could be heard a mile away. Niall threw him a cheeky grin, the slightest of dimples showing lightly in his cheeks, pushing his sunglasses down so his baby blues peaked through. His hair was hidden under his snap back, and his plaid shirt with a white tank top under was full of creases.

Trust Niall being lazy enough not to do his laundry properly.

("That's what me m'am is for Lou. She knows how to do this crap." "Don't you think you should at least... learn Nialler?" "Pfft, no. Me m'am works wonders, I tell you" )

"Wey hey Loueh! Hop in!" the Irish kid hollered. Louis responded with a simple 'hello Nialler'. As Louis was all set to go, he start off down the road.

"I'm actually craving a Starbucks drink right now, being all white girl, then how bout we go off to the park? Y'know with the wildflowers behind the playground? Then I was kinda thinking, 'Hey, we should go down town and see a movie! Go see that new Marvels movie' Also I need to go down to that small library around the corner from there as well to drop off a job application, because no one else has gotten back to me... bastards"

Louis listened to Niall rattle off the day's agenda with a wide smile. He giggled each time Niall would look over at him after each sentence and pulled a funny face. "Nially, watch where your going! Don't want to crash" he scolded before squealing when Niall purposefully revved the engine. Niall chuckled, shaking his head.

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