"Mommy!!.......wait...you're not daddy..."

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This chapter will be written in Lilas P.O.V and the title is from Lila so enjoy! (just a reminder Lila is Lexis daughter keep in mind Lila is a little girl not a teen or grown women she is a little girl) some will be in Lexis P.O.V! one more thing I'm switching the way I write this book it will no longer be Lexi wakes up it will be I wake up so I'm switching to first person

Warning:not edited


~chapter 16~

Lexi's P.O.V

After Ash said he would come with me tomorrow I can't sleep I was nervous all day and now I can't sleep I don't know what to do I can't tell him he can't come with me now we spent the day just talking about tomorrow what we were gonna do how I think Lila will react and just stuff like that he's not my boyfriend and yet he's acting as though we've been together for years now and as if I'm just now letting him meet my daughter it's kinda cute actually he can act like a little kid and he can be really immature but hey whatever he's hot so why not but somethings I found out about him he's a brother I know what you're thinks "we already know that!" but just wait Ashton isn't his only brother oh wait Ashton! Where did he run off to? I haven't seen him since I broke the deal off is he upset? or did he get in trouble and get kicked out? or is he waiting to kill me somewhere for breaking the deal? Ugh so many questions that I don't have the answers to...

Well he wouldn't be the first person who's out to kill me but that's a story for a different time anyway Asher has another brother and according to Asher I'll get to meet him soon but I don't know even though I have all this swimming around in my mind I fall into a peaceful sleep.

Lila's P.O.V

I woke up early this morning uncle Xavier told me that mommy is coming to see me! I can't wait! I miss her I haven't seen mommy in awhile...Uncle Xavier and Uncle Aaron are fun to live with but I wanna see mommy

They told me mommy wasn't feeling well and I wouldn't be able to see her for awhile or I might get what she had but now everything's better and she's coming to see me! "Lila someone's here to see you!" I hear uncle Aaron shout from downstairs I get excited and run down the stairs I go to where he is and I frown when I see Julie I don't like Julie but my teacher says I have to work on the project with her I give her a small wave she smiles at me in a not very friendly way she's always mean to me but uncle Aaron thinks she's an angel.

I don't see how he thinks that...she's always picking on me about how my uncles are gay...whatever that means she also said that I'm  an accident whatever that means she likes to use words I don't understand or how she's always showing off how her hair looks or how much money she spent on clothes I don't get it do clothes that cost alot of money really that special?

"Come on Lila we have to start on our project!" she snaps I jump she's being really mean today and I don't know why she's just mean all the time I wonder if mommy will say something to her when she gets here I snap my head up from my paper when I hear the door bell ring I jump up and run down the stairs

"Lila! get back here now! I'm not doing this by myself you are!" I'm  running down the stairs with Julie running after me trying to grab me I stop at the door and fling the door open and there she is my mommy! I jump into her arms she hugs me tightly she starts to cry and I don't know why "Monmy!" She squeezes me and I feel like I'm going to pop

I hear Julie clear her throat but I ignore her so does mommy I look up "Mommy!!...wait...you're not daddy...! Wh-who are you" I point at the strange man behind mommy he smiles at me and gives me a small wave "LILA LETS GO NOW" I jump at the sound of Julies voice I forgot she was hear I feel mommy let go and stand up "And just who are you?" Mommy questions while tilting her head the man behind mommy smirks "calm down hot momma" the man says amused

I frown and point at him "who are you! And why are you talking that way to my mommy!" The man looks down at me with a smile "I'm a friend of your mom I'm Asher but you can call me Ash if you like" someone grabs my arm and pulls me I jerk my arm away and glare at Julie "I'm Julie the one an only and this is your mom Lila? She looks like a whore" I don't know what that is but I know it's not good this makes mommy snap "and who are you to talk you look like a baby prostitute" Julies mouth falls open no one ever talks back to Julie "Oh yeah well you should learn to shut up" mommy glares "and your mom should learn how to swallow"

I hear Asher start to laugh behind us not just a chuckle but one of those laughs where you think they will die poor Asher he might die right now "Okay Lexi that's enough you're gonna make the poor bitch cry" Asher smirks again he smirks alot but it's kinda funny mommy sighs and walks into the house she picks me up and motions for Asher to come in he nods and walks in closing the door behind him

I hold onto mommy afriad if I let go she'll dissappear uncle Aaron and Xavier come into the room and smile at mommy she hugs each of them making sure not to drop me Aaron goes into the kitchen after talking to mommy about Julie Aaron takes Julie home after that mommy and Xavier start talking about different things "Hey Lila will you go get the boys please" I smile and nod I love the boys I run off to go get them but when I open the door...

Hey guys so cliff hanger sorry but hey why not right? Right

So I know it has taken awhile to get this updated and I'm  sorry for that I've been busy lately but..

What do you think will happen ndxt?

Who's at the door or what's at the door?

Let me know what you think  please vote, follow me (if you want to), and comment what you think will happen next

With love

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