Operation Save Lila part 2

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Warning:not edited

Hey guys here's the next update hope you enjoy


~chapter 19~

Ashtons P.O.V

I walk into the room where Nicole took the kid I watch as she sits on the floor with the girl and laughs I've never really seen her laugh as though she was happy really happy "Nicole" her smile fades away at the sound of my voice and she stops laughing her face goes emotionless she stands up and looks at me "yes sir?" I frown and walk into the room the girl hides behind Nicole she's scared good I like it when people are scared of me I would never hurt a child however it kinda makes me sad that she's scared of me she was so happy with Nicole then I walked in and she instantly closed up

I walk towards the girl and sit on the floor I pull Nicole down next to me "mind if I join you?" She looks at Nicole who nods the girl sits down in front of us just watching us "okay" her voice is so soft and timid she's a shy girl just like Lexi even though Lexi was just playing a game it was still fun it's really not fair how everyone  uses each other but who am I to talk I'm using Lila to get to her mother oh well

I sat there for about an hour she eventually opened up to me and wanted me to play too Nicole took in a sharp breath when Lila asked me to play I looked over at Nicole and raised an eye brow she smiled shyly and shook her head I agreed and began to play with the small child Nicole sat there and watched up just smiling "you'd be a good dad Ashton you don't bring the cold facade with children" I sigh and look at Nicole she looks down I've always told them never to look me in the eyes unless they have permission or something to say I want them to look in my eyes if they're gonna run their mouths see the fear coursing through them when they open their mouth

"Nicole look at me" she slowly lifts her head so that our eyes meet I can see the fear she's afraid I'm going to yell at her or something I smile showing her that it's okay I'm not going to yell or anything her eyes roam around the room until they land back on me "it's okay I'm not going to yell at you i just wanted to tell yo I'd never make a good dad everything I do is bad I kill innocent people for fun I couldn't put my kid through that I wouldn't want them to turn out like me" my eyes widen when I feel tiny arms wrap around my neck she's hugging me...i kidnapped her yelled at her and am keeping her here away from her mom and she still hugs me because she feel bad for me

"It's okay I forgive you i know you're just lonely and wanted a friend you could have just asked instead of going through all this" this girl doesn't even know me she doesn't know what I do to people she doesn't understand yet her words have such a strong effect on me why is that how can she be so young yet so wise I'm amazed I turn to look at Nicole with wide eyes she shrugs but smiles "aunt Nicole really likes you ya know you should-" the small child is cut off from finishing her sentence from Nicole grabbing her away from my and pushing the child's head into her chest she can still breath but everything she's saying is muffled I laugh and watch the two struggle when the child gets free she glares at Nicole "he should know you won't tell him so I will!"

Nicole turns bright red and looks down "Lila please stop this is embarrassing like really embarrassing" she says in almost a whisper the child frowns and hugs her "shhh it's okay you'll be okay you're just a chicken" I burst out in laughter at the child's words "you know what" they both turn to look at me they both tilt their heads they really are related "I heard nothing" Nicole frowns "no you can't say that that's really mean she really likes you! just kiss her!" Nicole turns bright red again and I raise an eyebrow "Lila stop!" I laugh and watch the two argue so much attitude in such a little girl

Asher's P.O.V

We all climb out of the cars and go to the entrance there's no one here they either have all left or are out somewhere or in a room not watching the door they're so careless but why worry when no one even dares to mess with them we enter the building I reach behind me and pull the gun out of my waist band ready for anything we hear screaming well more like arguing from a room it sounds like Lila and some other girl "it's Lila and Nicole" I hear Lexi whisper from beside me she has nothing to defend herself so she's staying close to me we burst through the door and hear screams of surprise from the two girls "Nicole is this why you wouldn't help us because you've been caught too?" The girl I now know as Nicole rolls her eyes "in here by choice not because I was forced to be here what do you want" she hisses

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