Attack at ball

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Kate's pov:

We all reached at ball and changed back.We started searching for all members of 'The Kings'.I saw Jason with Derek.I went to them and asked"Have you found any disturbance?" and Jason replied"No,not till now.I think we should keep check on the possible victims".I agreed with him.

I started roaming and saw some men from 'The Kings' getting impatient.I went near them to over hear their talks.One of them said"Where the hell is Mark?We all six are waiting for him" and I clenched my jaw.I wanted to tear them apart right now.

The other one said"Chill man,it takes time to get turned.I can see Devil standing near bar.We might come in her hearing range.Let's move from here".The other one is much smarter.I started searching for Jason and Derek instead I saw Alice talking with Rose.

I went to them and said"Hello girls".Both of them smiled and greeted back.I can see Alice is uncomfortable around me.I asked"Do you know where is Derek and McCann?".They both were surprised that I was searching for them.Rose answered"They went with your Delta and Beta".I thanked them and exited ball.

I changed into my wolf form and mind linked Josh about there whereabouts.Wolves can only mind link in their animal form or we would never use phones.Josh replied being at back of venue.I met them there.

I tried to pick the scent of those wolves but all was in vain.I told rest of them that there are in total six attackers.We heard screams coming from the entrance of ball and six wolves were attacking six females.Everyone heard screams and came outside.Our team of five members trapped them in circle.I told each of them to take down one wolf and I will take down two.Jason didn't liked the idea very much.

The Alpha of 'The Kings' saw his pack members turning rogue so, he ordered them to stop.Insanity was already on their minds.I attacked the grey wolf.He lunged at me but, I rolled over.I clawed his eye.I saw his eyes turning red.He bit my leg but, I used it to my advantage.I climbed at top of him and bit his neck.He was unconscious now.

Then, a brown wolf lunged at me.He was little powerful than the grey wolf.I think he was leading the others.We  rolled and I landed on him.Then, I teared him open.I was bathed in his blood.I saw all others have killed other wolves.

Everyone in the ball was staring at us.I saw fear in everyone's eyes.I dragged the grey unconscious wolf to the cells.We all changed and got ready for interrogation.

I was standing outside when the prisoner woke up and boys gave him clothes.I sent Josh to control the situation at ball.There would be a havoc.I entered and he shivered.I commanded"Why did you attacked the ball?".He started crying.Are you serious? and told sobbing"Rogues are collecting all low rank wolves to attack the other packs and rule".

I gritted my teeth and said"Any other wolves except you all?" and he said no.Jason asked"Why did you all did it today?".That's a good question and our prisoner started getting more nervous.He the hesitantly answered"We all wanted to show..."and trailed off.I spat"You wanted to show what?"he mumbled something.Luke then spat"Speak loudly or you will pay dearly".I then whispered"that we have strengthened by killing in Devil's area in front of everybody".

I am shaking with anger.I took out my dagger and roared"Anything else before you die?" and he replied"I want to ask a question".I sighed and said"Shoot".He smirked and I want to officially kill him and he asked"Why is McCann and his Beta here?Are you guys forming alliance?I wonder who is keen?You or him" .Before I could react Jason was at his throat and answered"That's none of your business.If I was at your place,I would tell everything without being so imbecile" and that idiot laughed "I am dead meat.I know that so, why not have some fun?" and I laughed like hell.

Everyone was staring at me like I have lost my mind.So, I explained"You are an idiot.Ever heard of peaceful death? You think I would directly kill you.If you had assumed that you will annnoy me and will have good last moments, then you are seriously mistaken.You are walking yourself to hell by irritating me.Now I will have some fun and that includes hearing painful screams of my prey" and I growled at him.

I saw him shaking with anxiety and I heard someone walking towards us.It was a normal wolf and a cruel plan floated through my mind.I told Luke to change himself and try to make that normal wolf comfortable in front of us and prevent it from leaving. I beated the crap out of that fool.

He now couldn't defend himself against a human even.His all bones were broken and he was bleeding heavily but I left him alive.I threw him in front of that normal wolf and he teared him apart.His last words were 'One day you will pay for all this cruelty you do Devil'.I just shrugged and went away.


Hi guys,

Hope you enjoyed the chapter.I know Kate's mind come up with cruel tricks.

Keep voting/commenting/following/message me.

-Alpha KS

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