A walk in forest

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Kate's pov:

I was sitting on a log when I heard footsteps behind me.I smelt an intoxicating fragrance,I knew it was Jason.He said hello, it came out more like question but I replied him and smiled.I gestured him to sit beside me and joked referring him as Alpha about his expensive wear.

He laughed and smartly replied negative addressing  me as Alpha too.It was getting awkward between us so, I broke the tension saying that he wanted to see me so,here I was.I was hoping that he would talk about situation between us but instead he asked my favourite colour.

I have to say I am very much amused.So, I replied black.Duh! it is so obvious. I told him that's what I was wearing.He replied we were matching and still match.I knew Derek would have told him earlier about the rogue incident.So,I decided to ask him.He told initially he didn't believe but his Beta would never lie to him.

I sighed and started to walk and he caught up with me.We are walking in forest.I randomly asked"When I entered what were people saying?".I saw a very hilarious reaction but what they thought or said, I want to know.

He laughed"Everyone was shocked.They expected a beefy man with many scars,at least my sister did".I laughed thinking, if I would have been tall, buffy guy with scars how me and Jason would have looked together.I mentally hit myself.I am an idiot, then we wouldn't have been mates.

I couldn't bear this much discomfort so, I bursted"Why the hell,we are so awkward?We could at least talk like friends.It's so irritating".I saw Jason's face it showed shock and stated "I never met a girl who speak like this.Most of them blush around their mates but, you.You are really blunt".

Oh god! boys are idiots."What should I do? Hover around you.Blush around you.I am a straightforward person.Sorry for being different.I am different that's why I am at this position or I would had same fate like other's.Wait for your mate."I sassed him.

He looked stunned at my sudden outburst.I can tell no one would have ever sassed him.He spoke coldly"Sorry for stating facts".I am getting angry.What the hell he thinks he is?What was he expecting from me.A shy little girl, whom he can wrap around his finger.

I didn't miss opportunity to annoy him and teased"Aww..Is big bad Alpha getting angry.He can't handle little sarcasm.Buddy, you need to grow up.I ain't falling at your feet like others".He half yelled this time and said"You started with this whole bloody thing.I think you cannot handle little comebacks.Millions of girls would kill to be in your position".

I laughed dryly and clearly told him"If you are Alpha so, am I.No need to feel offended.I can easily put you in your right place.My name is more feared than your.So, you should feel lucky to be in this position.Last time I remembered I easily escaped from you without any difficluty and you just stood stunned"

He defended"I thought you were a rogue.I was busy in thinking how would we work?"so, I bluntly told him"You should think how this will work?".Can anything go normal with me?Apparently no.

We both are continuously staring at each other since few minutes.He is looking in my red eyes and I am looking in his hazel eyes slowly darkening as his anger is rising.

We both heard a panicked scream and we both shot apart.I started to run towards the direction the scream came from and Jason mirrored my action.

Jason's pov: 

We were walking in forest when Devil asked me how people said when she entered.I told her what my sister expected her to be.A big beefy man with lot of scars.She looked like she was thinking something?Maybe it offended her.Great Jason you upset your mate.Great start.

She said that how much awkwardness was there between us,it was so irritating and we should at least talk like friends.I was shocked.She was first girl I met who speaks so bluntly, most of them blush around their mates so, I stated it.I swear I didn't saw blush rising on her cheeks.I thought she would take it as a compliment but, she sassed me.

She said what  she should do?blush around me and told she is a blunt and a different girl.Ok, first I never said anything about blushing around me and I just stated a fact.So, I said it.I am pissed.Why can't I have a normal mate?

She got more furious.I mean what?First she is sassing me and teasing me saying I can't handle sarcasm and she is not like other girls falling at my feet.I never said anything about falling at my feet.I can feel myself getting angry.

I half yelled that she is the one who started all this nonsense.She cannot handle comebacks and how lucky she is.She chuckled humorlessly and told that she has same position as me.She can put me at my right place and she is more feared than me. 

Let's see after seeing you who is more feared?I am an Alpha and she will be a Luna so,I will be more respected than her.She also stated that how lucky I am and how she escaped from me last time.I defended myself by saying I thought she was a rogue and how would it work between us.Her last sentence stunned me as she said I should think how this would work?We both are Alphas .

I stared in her red eyes like I am challenging her.Her eyes were red as ruby and she stared back.No one of us was backing down.Suddenly we heard a panicked scream and our head shot towards that direction and started running there.


Hi guys,

Hope you all enjoyed the chapter.Who do you think will back down Jason or Kate?

Plz vote/comment/follow/message me.

-Alpha KS

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