Battle of South

141 11 4

(A/N : All non bold italics are said through mindlinks )

Kate's pov:

We all ran to the site of attack and hid our clothes and guns in trees.They all were already shifted into their wolf forms so did we.Their leader was a golden eyed wolf.These golden eyed wolves are said to be immortal, but no one is confirmed about that.There is only one golden eyed wolf Alex Whitmore but this wolf was young so this can't be him.

I said rouges leader " Go back, it's your last chance or we will spare no one" and he just growled at me.I take it as a 'NO'.The leader said me " Surrender or face our wrath.You are facing an army of eldest son of Alexander Whitmore".I presume it was Edward.He is a fighter equaling Josh but still little weaker than me.I know his weakness that stupid boy would do anything for power just like his father.Both of them had surrendered their sanity for immortality.

I sassed back " So bad after today you will be known as late son of Alexander Whitmore just like Nathan" and informed Josh " This is Edward Whitmore. Alex is not here." I can tell from Edward's eyes he was beyond mad and ordered his army to charge.

He with 3 more wolves circled me and 3 other wolves circled Josh.I went for a wolf and clawed his eyes out and throat leaving 3 wolves to fight.They all attacked me at once but I was fast making three of them collide.I killed the other two wolves by breaking their spines. 

More wolves turned towards me.I saw there are 10 of our wolves on verge of collapsing.I told Ashley's group to come and take them.In no time they were all here taking them away.Edward used my distraction to his advantage and jumped at me.He clawed my back but I quickly got away.

I lunged at him and bit his neck.It should have broken his neck but he quickly recovered.Curse his immortality.I ran towards my weapons and Edward with two wolves followed me.I quickly changed back and hid in shadows.I shot two wolves in their hearts with  silver bullets dropping them dead.Edward looked around frantically like he was scared.

So, I guessed heart was their weakness.I quickly wore my jumpsuit and mask and came out of shadows.I took my whip and strangled him with it like noose.His neck was not burning but it had little effect on it.I fired all 4 bullets left with me in his heart.

He laid but was not looking lifeless and I went to the battle ground leaving him there.I saw Ashley's group helping the people about to fall.Some wolves have changed in the human form and fighting with hands and guns.

Josh informed we are 30 in number including 10 in human form.I shot a wolf attacking Josh from behind and he ran towards forest to change into human form.I saw about 50 rogues left.I shot down 6 more wolves and pierced heat of 2 with my silver heels.

Now it was around 30 rogues and 25 wolves.All of us have changed into human form.Every wolf who emptied his gun ran back only leaving 10 rogues and us 7 wolves.It included Damon, Josh, Luke,Ashley, me, Leo and Alisha.It felt like we 7 are Heroes of Olympus ( # HOO reference).

I would say I had never been that stunned in life before this.I stood stunned when I saw Edward coming and smiling.He mocked " I am immortal.I cannot be killed with your foolish silver weapons." and laughed maniacally like villains usually do.

I challenged " If you are so brave than you would have never risked losing your sanity for power.Don't you know the more you kill the more mad you become." He roared " Don't lecture me little girl." He charged with his remained army.I was again in my initial position circled with three wolves and Edward and every wolf took one wolf.I saw Leo on verge of death when Ashley killed her rogue and lunged for the Leo's.

Edward again used my distraction and lunged at me.I rolled and dodged him but other wolf clawed nearby my neck but before he could cause further destruction Josh killed him.Stupid Josh left himself vulnerable and Edward attacked him.I cursed Edward and stood my ground.

I threw my dagger in Edward's stomach making him stop for a second but giving me enough time to rescue Josh.I growled at Edward.I will not let another Whitmore to take away my loved ones.I had blood lust on my head.I took my whip and again wrapped it around Edward's neck.I strangled him but this time I will not let him rise.

Edward said though he choked on his words" You shou-should re-remember the vers-verses.I can't be killed by any Lupa's wolf." 

These verses were something every wolf is taught from very young age.So I recollected them -

"Golden eyed loses his sanity with each slaughter 

Neither be killed by Lupa's son or daughter

But as it is rule of life  that whatever is born is bound to die 

To bid it goodbye you have to drain out lovers home 

Or golden eyed is immortal curse you borne."

I pondered over these line over the years but today they got a new meaning.Lover's home is heart that's why Edward was startled when I shot those wolves in heart and to drain out means to clean.I had an epiphany that I have to rip his heart out and squeeze it but no wolf can do it so, it should be done by a weapon.I took out my dagger and took his heart out and crushed and stabbed his heart with it.Draining out his life drop by drop and leaving him dead.

Josh said " You killed an IMMORTAL wolf.Man you are BADASS."I laughed but our happy moment of victory didn't last long when we saw Rose come looking totally broken and said " Help Jason" and collapsed.


Hey guys,

Hope you all enjoyed the chapter.It took me little time to write it.Please a review on the verses.

Plz vote/comment/share/follow/message me.

-Alpha KS

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