Chapter 15- Sleepover Epicness...not.

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It was Tuesday afternoon, and Ally sat on the couch, eating pasta and watching TV and generally feeling better about life . She suddenly realised that she  had Lily and Theresa's numbers, so she thought of texting them. Plus, it would be recess at school right now.

To: Lily
Forward to: Theresa
Hey guys. How's school going?

The reply was pretty quick.
Are you back with your old frnds?

Ally felt angry. Why was Lily so bothered about who Ally was friends with? All she'd asked was how school was going.  Feeling angry, she replied - Well yea. What's it to u? All I did was ask how your day was going.

This world is more confusing than speaking backwards. Ally muttered to herself.
After a while , the phone rang in her house. Picking it up, Ally realised it was her mom.
"Hey, Ally. Look, your father has to leave on a business trip tonight and will be going to New York for two days. Coincidentally, I have to meet some VIP clients there too, so we will be back Thursday night."
"We have already booked the flight. "
"Ohkayy mom. Bye."
No one even remembers that Thursday's my birthday, she thought sadly.

It was 7 pm and Lucas hadn't come home yet. So Ally called him.
"Hey, are you coming?!"
"Um...actually we still have a LOT left to finish...we have to write ...well, type out... 5 whole coding programs... Its not that easy...i'll probably stay over at Andy's tonight...and...don't call again. Its disturbing."
But he had hung up already. Ally growled in frustration.

I CAN'T possibly stay home alone.... she thought.
She decided to go over to either Rachel or Erica's house for the night.

She dialled Erica's number and it went to voicemail. She then tried Rachel. No luck.

Thinking she had no other choice, she texted Theresa.
Hey...can I stay over today? Coz otherwise I'll be home alone :(

She got a reply from Theresa:
Sorry, I have guests at home...y don't u check with Erica or someone.

What in the world, Ally thought.
What in this world.

After watching some more TV Ally tried doing her homework but it was difficult to concentrate. She wanted company. Heck, even Pinky the Chihuahua would've been fine, but her mom had taken the tiny dog along with her on her trip.

She dialled Erica again, and thank goodness she picked up the phone this time.
"Hey' Erica...this is Ally.. I was just wondering if I could spend the night at your place? I'm actually home alone so..."
There was no reply for a few seconds , as if Erica was hesitating to say anything.
Then she said " Um...yeah...sure..."
"OK then I'll be there in about half an hour." Ally said.
"OK, see you".
Ally felt pretty excited at the thought of having a sleepover, even if it was just the two of them.
At eight o clock,  Ally reached Erica's huge house on her cycle. Erica lived just two streets from her.
What she saw was pretty shocking. It seemed like there was a party going on at Erica's house and it also seemed like the entire tenth grade was there. There were kids throwing other kids into the swimming pool, a group of people drinking fruit punch and dancing to music in the garden area, and others just chatting around. Louder music blasted out from inside the house. 
Feeling dazed, Ally entered the house through the back door, entering the kitchen.
Suddenly Erica and Rachel came up to her.
"Oh hey,Ally." Erica smirked.
"Okay. So. You had a party and did NOT invite me".
"Well, duh"

"Ohmigosh, Ally. How could you be such a knucklehead?! Everyone comes coz we're the POPULAR ones, duh.No one cares about how mean we are as long as they get to party at the 'cool kids' place. But why do I have to explain all this to you? I mean you always turn up at all my parties whether you are invited or not and you always try to be the centre of attention." said Erica

"No, I don't! And if people come to your house just because you're popular , not because they actually LIKE you, then your life is pretty pathetic."

"WHAT IS UP WITH YOU?! You never even talk this much! All you ever do is dance around like a dumb thing. You're pathetic." Rachel told her.

"You know what, Erica, Rachel , I'm so done  being friends with you."

Rachel smirked. "We never were friends, weirdo. But whatever. I'm so glad to be rid of you. Don't ever talk to me again."

Ally couldnt take it anymore. To hear those words from your best friend's mouth was unbearable. (Well, best  friend in her world at least).

"Yeah, okay. I don't intend to ." she replied with a shaky voice.
Then she felt tears threatening to spill.

Noo! she told herself. Ally, please DO NOT cry in front of all these people.


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