Chapter 6-Unfairness?

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Not knowing what to do , Ally muttered a Sorry, grabbed her books and pushed her way out of the store, past Rachel, Lily and Theresa. Rachel was trying to say something, but Ally didn't listen. She went out and walked as fast as her legs could take her to an isolated part of the mall, where there were a few benches and potted plants, so that no one would find her.
Sitting down, she finished her leftover half cup of coffee and tossed it in the trash.
For the next half an hour, she ignored her books and put on her headphones, trying to drown her sorrows in music.
*Cliché. *
After she couldn't listen to anymore music, she sighed, removed her earphones and picked up her books, because she had a test the next day.
However she wasn't able to concentrate(big surprise there) , and after staring at one problem for 15 minutes, she gave up and shut her books.
Suddenly her phone started to ring. It was her frantic mom.
"Ally,I just met Rachel outside and she said you just rushed out of Starbucks . Where are you now??"
"Umm yeah uhh mom just meet me in the parking lot"Ally replied.
"Don't you want to go shopping?"
"Please , mom. I'm not in the mood"
"Ally,really,what is WRONG with you nowadays?!"
"Please,mom" . And she cut the phone.

The drive back home was not very eventful. Ally just looked out the window the whole time while her mom took an office call while driving, which lasted most of the way home.

Entering the front door, Ally was about to take off her shoes, when a football came from nowhere and hit her head.


"Whoops" Luke came running to her and grabbed the ball. "Sorry, sis".

"WERE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME?! WHO EVEN PLAYS FOOTBALL INDOORS?!?" she yelled at him. She noticed that a couple of Luke's friends were there too, but at that moment she didn't care.

"Chill, sis. We were trying to play volleyball with this."

"Don't 'sis' me!! And who old are...arrrghh."she ran up the stairs to her room.

Washing up, she realised it was already 7 o' clock. Ally checked her phone for any messages from her friends, and felt hurt when she saw that they hadn't sent even one message to explain why they had been out without her.

After an hour of Netflix, Ally got up, rubbing her eyes, and went downstairs for a drink of water. Buster came running up to her, hanging his tongue out and looking at her with puppy dog eyes.
Uh oh, I still haven't taken Buster out for a walk. She realised.

Half an hour later, as Ally sat down on a park bench, tying Buster's leash to the bench, she suddenly realised that she hadn't even STUDIED properly for her Math test, for which she'd gone to the mall in the first place.

Screw it. she thought. All I want to do is sleep.

On the walk back home, Ally walked as slowly as she could with Buster tugging at the leash, wondering what was wrong with Ally.  She contemplated on her life and realised how unfair it was.
On reaching home, she ate just a bit of dinner, told her parents she had a headache and went up to her room. As she climbed up the stairs she could feel her parents' worried looks.
"Ally, really, WHAT is happening? Why have you been like this today? Well, for the past few days,actually?" her mom asked.
"It's nothing, mom..."
"No,Ally, it's obviously not nothing. Come here and tell us." her dad said.
"I told you it's NOTHING!!" Ally shouted and rushed to her room. She changed into comfy PJs and crashed.
Her last thought before she fell asleep was wishing that her life was much better.

She wished that she lived a different life.

Was it her imagination, or her tiredness, or did the room really start glowing and sparkling like that?


Read on to find out!

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