Chapter 4- Is it bad luck?

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Two hours later, Ally had calmed down a bit. She had vented out her feelings into her diary and then slept for an hour. Her mom had gone back downstairs and Ally could now hear her making dinner.
Still in a sour mood she came downstairs,and hugged her mom.
"I'm sorry" she said.
"That's okay,darling,but I want you to apologise to Lucas too" her mom said in a kind yet firm tone.
Ally felt the rage boiling up again.
"No,mom,I'm afraid I CANNOT."
She pushed past Luke who had just come out of his room,and ran back upstairs.
She groaned and fell onto her bed,and listened to music,hoping that would calm her down.
As she was flipping through her playlist, Radioactive by Imagine Dragons blasting through her ears, she realised that she had gotten many messages and missed calls. "Great." she muttered. "I had kept my phone on silent mode".
She saw five messages from Rachel and three from Lily and Theresa. She also saw that she had got missed calls from all of them, about two hours ago. It was already 7 p.m. She thought she would call them later. Putting on a hoodie,she took her phone,earphones and went downstairs, going out the back door after shouting -"Mom!! I'm taking Buster for a walk!!"
Buster was their two year old Labrador Retriever.
She went on a long walk,played a bit with Buster and then came home jogging,Buster running ahead.
She had totally forgotten to call Rachel, Lily or Theresa.

The next morning at school,all three of her friends ambushed her.
"Ally!!Why didn't you pick up the phone or reply to our messages??"asked Rachel.
" was on silent,okay?! Gods. Stop hyperventilating, Rachel." Ally said. "What was so amazingly and extremely important that you called me one billion times?"Ally asked,going into full-out sarcastic mode.
"God,Ally,what is WRONG with you? I called you up to remind you to finish typing out the History project and bring it did do it,right?"
Inside,Ally was all like Ohhhhh nooooooo!
But all she said was,"Um."
"You DID'NT??"
Rachel groaned. Then she looked at Ally and said,"Well. Lucky for you,I finished the whole thing myself and printed it out too".
But before Ally could thank Rachel,she had stomped off.
Lily and Theresa looked at each other,and Ally could practically read the look on their faces- Awkward!!
"Hey,um,Lily" Theresa said and they started talking about something.
"I'll see you guys at lunch" Ally muttered and hurried off to Math.
Ally could NOT concentrate on Trigonometry. Instead, all she could think of was what a failure her life had been since this school year began.
It all began since the time I missed the bus on the first day.
she thought.
Glancing up she saw Julian sitting two seats in front of her and thought again,The only positive of that day was riding with Julian. And his sis.
It was like some game of negatives and positives alternating. Sadly,she had missed the bus. Luckily,she had got a ride with Julian. Sadly,Luke read her diary in which she'd written it and he had humiliated her- but thankfully no one else knew about that; because of which she'd forgotten the history project, because of which Rachel was pissed off with her.
Ally sighed dramatically. "I have horrible luck.My life is as tragedy" she thought.
She suddenly realised that her Math teacher was calling out to her- "Ally,will you be so kind as to tell us the identity involving the squares of sines and cosines?"
Whoa. My life really IS a tragedy.


Talk about a drama queen XD

Have a gr8 day!!

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