Chapter 9 - Mean Girls Part 3?!

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**Disclaimer **
I do not own any of the characters and  dialogues of Mean Girls.

Bio had been good, actually. Ally got complimented for all her diagrams of the different invertebrate species that they had to observe that day.

After Bio was English Literature. Ally made her way to the classroom and without really looking at anyone, she saw the first desk empty and plopped down on the seat. She noticed that people were giving her weird looks, and wondered why.

Suddenly she heard her name being called out in Erica's voice - "Hey Ally! What are you doing there in front?! We even saved you a seat!!"
Ally got up and slowly made her way to where they were sitting, everyone giving her looks.
"Like, seriously, what is wrong with you today? "Erica said and then looked at her nails. "Great, my nail paint's chipping off" she said.
Ally rolled her eyes.
Suddenly Erica said " Hey Rachel, flick that Nerd Lily's books. C' mon, they're right there on the next desk-she's probably in the washroom."
Rachel grinned and slipped the books in her backpack.

"Hey!!" Ally said, horrified. "Rachel!! She IS one of your best friends!!" Ally protested.
"Um, yes. In my dreams. Well, not even my dreams,girl." Rachel replied. The bell rang and Lily rushed in, wearing-*no stereotyping intended*- thick and round nerd glasses.

"Good morning class. Today we will continue with Macbeth, I hope you have all done the questions that I asked you to do yesterday" their teacher said. "Those of you who haven't, kindly stand up".

Hesitantly Ally stood up. She saw that other than her, only Rachel was standing.
Rachel looked at Erica with a questioning look, hoping to ask her how on earth and why on earth she had bothered to do the homework.
But Erica was just looking at Lily with a smug smile as Lily frantically searched around for her books.
"Rachel, Ally, what excuses do you have today?Frankly I'm not even surprised that you stood up"

Ally felt tears prick her eyes. She had been valued by her teachers in all these years for being very consistent with her work and keeping good grades. Hearing something like that was just too bad.

"I forgot." Rachel said and folded her hands. Their teacher gave an I-give-up sorta look.


By the time lunch break rolled around, Ally was horribly confused. She had received scared looks from her juniors(the 9th graders) , and all of senior high kept giving Ally, Rachel and Erica annoyed looks. Erica and Rachel didn't even seem to notice.

The three of them collected their food and sat at a table in the cafeteria.

Ally took plenty of food. She was extremely hungry. Erica just took a fruit bowl and a milkshake while Rachel took one teeny tiny sandwich.

"Someone's hungry today" Erica commented.
"I always am" Ally replied.

"No .You . Aren't!! Ally why are you so different today??" Erica almost shouted and a few people turned to look.
"And I saw you almost cry during English when you got insulted " she hissed.
"Oohh. The mean girls are breaking up, huh!" Ally heard a familiar voice and turned around. She  saw Lily, Theresa and Julian, all of them with glasses and holding a few books each.

"Hey, mind your own business, you and your stupid nerd gang" Erica shot back.
"You dare talk to us that way!" Theresa spoke up in a small voice.

"Ppfffft. " Rachel snorted. "Go stick your nose in that book, Miss four Eyes. Get lost".

Ally was shocked. Rachel and Theresa were the closest of friends!!

"C'mon guys let's not waste our time here." Julian walked off followed by Lily and Theresa.

What "mean girls" was Julian talking about? Ally thought.
"Mean girls?!" Ally said.
"They're just jealous" Erica said."Also, Ally, was wondering all day about whether I should tell you this...but I'm telling you now- You can't sit with us"

"What?! Why?"

"Well...on Thursdays we wear pink. Today is a Thursday. You're not wearing pink" Erica explained as if Ally was a five year old. "So go find someplace else to sit." Erica said and sipped her milkshake. Turning to Rachel, she asked her -  "Hey Rachel, is milk a carb?"


Haha vote if you like that movie!!(Mean girls) :D

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