(1) Good News From The Lunatic

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I sigh, relieved, as I throw my heavy school bag down onto the floor of my bedroom.  It has been such a long day, I swear - double Maths, Physics, English and History.  I'm not entirely sure how I have managed to make it through the day without collapsing with exhaustion or dying (although I did fall asleep once in English and twice in Physics).

Naturally, the first thing I do is flip open my laptop.  The light from the screen immediately floods over my dark room, reminding me to open the curtains, which I tend to leave shut during the school per my mother's instruction.  She's worried about thieves or something - as if there's anything interesting to steal from my room.  You know, unless a draw full of DIsney socks are considered to be valuable.

After skimming through my Facebook newsfeed - nothing interesting, apart from a couple of 'dramas' of girls in my grade - I click on the Skype icon on the screen.  Checking my contacts, I see the green symbol next to Brandy's name, signalling that she's online.  Awesome.  I am debating whether to call her or message her when I get an incoming call.  Is she reading my mind? I think, but the name reads Calum Hood instead of Brandy Wilson.  Automatically, I smile - although I also make a quick mental note to call Brandy later, knowing that she won't be happy if I forget about our weekly Skype call for the second week in a row (I had to cancel last week's one at the last minute because Tyler got bored and begged me to come over).  

In all honesty, I don't mind not being able to talk to Brandy if Calum is the reason - he's a family friend, so I've known him since I was a kid.  My family moved to Australia for three years when I was two (something to do with Dad's job), and apparently mine and Calum's parents used to arrange play dates for us or something - of course, I can't really remember those, since the earliest memories I have are from when I was six, although I can remember some things from when I was five.  I guess my memory's just pretty bad.  Anyway, when Dad got relocated back to the United Kingdom and we moved back here, Calum's family stayed in touch.  Every year, we would go on vacation to near them in Australia, and they would come to stay with us when it was possible.  Calum has always been like a brother to me - for some reason, people always take that to mean that we're really close, instead of considering the other side of things; sure, he's awesome, but sometimes he can be annoying as hell (although I'm positive that he'll say the same about me).  Still, it will be cool to catch up with him; as with Brandy, Calum and I tend to communicate through Skype and Twitter primarily - texting would be infinitely easier, and the more desirable option in general, but since we live on different continents we have to take international charges into consideration.  I'm keen to talk to him - we haven't spoken in a couple of weeks, and as annoying as he is, I do miss him (I'd like to think he misses me too, but even if he does he is not likely to admit it).  

"Hey, Cal," I smile after clicking the 'Answer Call' button.  He's stuffing pizza into his mouth - hardly surprising.  Still, he had better not attempt to talk while eating, or I will just hang up on him and deny that I even know him.  

Judging from the way he's sitting - looking relaxed in a semi-reclining position - I would guess that he's in his bedroom, sprawled across his bed.  My suspicion is confirmed when I notice that the wall behind him is obscured by posters of bands he likes, as well as a Katy Perry poster in the corner which he thinks no one will notice; the posters are all bathed in a gentle light which is presumably filtering in through the window I know is across from his bed.  Smiling wistfully, I imagine what it's like in Sydney right now, trying (and failing) not to get jealous; warm, bright, beautiful - everything England is not, I guess.

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