Drawn Love-Chapter 1-That person

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Jasper's P.O.V.

I don’t really like people that much. Or at least I used not to like them. Until I found a couple of good ones. Ones that actually deserved liking.

They helped me come out of my shell a little. Not completely, but enough for them to trust me and invite me to meet a person that kept me awake most of the nights. His jet black hair and piercing gray eyes. I just couldn’t get him out of my head. Most of my sketch pads were filled to the brim with sketches of his eyes, nose, mouth, hair, muscles, abs and so on. Before I even realized what I was doing, I had already sketched something of his.

Of course, I kept these sketches hidden away. I didn’t have a problem with my friends looking at my drawings, but I didn’t really want them figuring out my obsession. Although I would never admit it.

I know that my obsession wanted me as well, but I couldn’t trust him. He would use me. I knew that much. I mean, how could somebody like him want somebody like me.

Normally I decided to avoid that topic in my mind and bypassed it almost constantly. And today was no exception.

I was sitting at our usual spot in the cafeteria and listening to a remix of Mozart’s ‘Requiem for a dream’. My sketch book was opened in front of me and a pencil in my hand. I had a rough idea of what I wanted to draw, an outline to be more exact, now I was trying to figure out how to transfer it to paper.

The music I was listening to was going really well with the mood of the drawing. Something dark, sinister, alluring. I saw a man in my head. He was sitting, most of his face was covered by a shadow, but his naked torso was visible in the moonlight shining through the window. He was wearing something black, no, a black silk sheet was draped over his crotch only, but I could still see his strong leg.

The man looked like a vampire. No, that’s not correct, he had too much raw power for a vampire. He looked too destructive and wild, like a beast. It felt like nothing could ever be able to cage him. He wasn’t elegant like a vampire, nor a bulldozing mutt like a werewolf. He was dangerous, inviting and addictive.

I woke up from my trance when a figure plopped down in the seat next to me. I didn’t realize that my hand was moving and that I already drew a sketch of the picture. I sighed. They were my friends, but sometimes these people really didn’t have any ounce of tact.

“Well, now I know for sure that I have absolutely zero drawing talent.” Lucas drawled and opened the bottle of water. Not long after that came also Adrian and Zane. And only a moment later Johnny and Ethan.

How convenient that all of us had the same lunch period. To which Nikolai was always late. I can’t remember a time when he was punctual at anything.

I took out my earphones and started packing away my drawing stuff. There was no way I could continue drawing with so many people around. They’re just too distracting and too noisy.

Ethan immediately went to Zane who engulfed him in a tight and warm hug. They practically emitted love wherever they went with each other. It was so sweet that sometimes it made me want to lick them and see if they tasted sweet too.

Yes, I know. I’m not really a normal or rational person in my mind. That’s one of the reasons I rarely speak. I feel like I’m going to blurt out something out of my f-ed up thoughts and then it would be the loony bin for me.

“Did any of you study for the Math test we’re going to have today?” Lucas asked as he ‘casually’ stretched so that his hand brushed Adrian’s shoulder. I sighed and shook my head. Those two were actually far worse than Ethan and Zane, with their constant subtle touching and little shy smiles and glances.

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