Drawn Love-Chapter 8-Fog

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-Everything worth having comes with trials worth withstanding.


Nikolai’s P.O.V.

The next night I woke up in my bed somewhere in the dead hours, missing Jasper terribly. Even in my sleep I knew he wasn’t next to me. And after the scene that happened the night before, I craved my malyutka even more.

Jasper went home the morning after that night. Reluctantly might I add.

With a sigh I threw off the covers and sat up in bed, yawning. I was sleepy, but I knew no matter how long I was I bed, sleep wouldn’t come to me.

Throwing my legs over the edge of the bed, I shuddered at the sudden cold that assaulted my feet. I wasn’t a fan of warm rooms to sleep in. Hell, I wasn’t a fan of heat period. But it was a pain in the ass when you had to freeze your toes off in the morning.

I slowly got out of my room, careful not to slam the door as my father was a really light sleeper. Even the slightest of noises would wake him up. My mom, on the other hand, could sleep through a hurricane.

I slowly went down the stairs, listening to Vadim. I knew that he would be in the kitchen or the living room as he was every night. I suspected that he had a mild case of insomnia, but he never said anything, and my parents didn’t seem to mind.

He just didn’t sleep a lot I suppose. A few hours was enough for him. And it was a mystery to me how that was. I mean, a full eight hours of sleep and even an extra four were nothing for me. I could sleep for a week straight.

When I entered the kitchen I saw Vadim at the stove, stirring something in a small pot. Probably pudding. Everyone and their grandmother knew Vadim loved pudding, especially when it was still hot. On that note, Vadim loved everything sweet.

“Can I have some of that?” I asked, leaning on the counter behind Vadim.

He turned his head around, looking at me for a moment before just nodding simply and going back to his task.

Another fact about Vadim was that he was a person that hated talking at night. He also hated any kind of noise at night. to him, night was something sacred where people should be quiet. They should enjoy the quiet and the peace of the night and talk by day.

And to be honest, I agreed with him for the most part.

Yes, night was supposed to be quiet and spent in peace without talking. But what if you had that one person that made you wish he talked more. That, even if he talked the whole day and the whole day, wouldn’t matter to you.

I smiled to myself. I had someone like that, but Vadim didn’t. He didn’t know what that feeling was. And I couldn’t wait until it hit him so hard he fell on his ass.

“So you are already missing the little bird.” Vadim said offhandedly, but I could tell he was fighting not to smirk.

For all my talk about how an emotionless prick Vadim was, there was such a huge playful side in him that rivaled that of a five year old in Disney land for the first time.

“Of course I miss him.” I shot off, “His parents are coming home soon, so I won’t be able to see him as much too.” I scoffed.

Vadim pulled the pot off the stove and turned it off. He went to the cupoboard to get two bowls and shot me a questioning look.

“His parents are strict. Sort of uncaring but strict on the point of him hanging out with certain people. He didn’t tell me anything beyond that, but I have a feeling that his parents won’t like the two of us being together.” I said and took the bowl filled with warm chocolate pudding and a spoon from Vadim.

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