Drawn Love-Chapter 4-New Beginning

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Jasper’s P.O.V.


I somehow managed to crawl to my bed and plop down on the neatly made cover and perfectly straight pillow. Those were the curses of being a perfectionist with maybe a smidgeon of OCD. You could never leave something behind yourself that wasn’t perfect.

Right now though, I was kind of liable to not give a shit about perfection. The pain wracking through my head was making me nauseous. If I didn’t turn on my back right now I knew I’d puke all over the nice sheets. Not that I cared about the sheets as much as I cared about suffocating in the content of my stomach.

My mother and father weren’t home. As usual, they were on a business trip that will probably last longer than the planned week, so it wasn’t as if I could call them for help. And even if they were here I could bet that they would just say ‘Go drink some water son, you’ll feel better’ or something of the sort.

Somehow turning myself over, I dug my cellphone out of my pocket and dialed the first number I came across, knowing it would be Ethan’s as he was the last person I had called.

“Hey Jas. You feeling better? You didn’t look so well when you left school today.” He said from the other end of the phone. I could also hear some other voices which meant that he wasn’t alone. If I had to guess, I’d have to say that he was at Zane’s place.

My idea of calling him over here flew out of the window at that revelation and I sighed. “Yeah, about that, I don’t think I’ll be going to school tomorrow.” That was the best I could muster up as my headache slowly began to build up again.

“Damn Jasper. I’ll be there as soon as I can.” He said and I could hear him rustling and moving as well as some questions being thrown his way.

“No, no. No need for you to come. I’ll be fine Ethan, don’t worry.” I tried to reason with him. He was with his boyfriend after all and I couldn’t just rip them away from each other as I knew how much the two of the valued their time together.

“No, dammit, Jas, I can’t come, but I’ll send someone there as soon as I can.” He said hurriedly into the phone and before I could object, he hung up.

I groaned at the ridiculousness of the whole situation as I had a pretty good idea to who Ethan will send over. Ethan could be a sly little bastard and he could sometimes even match Zane with how diabolical he could be.

All that was forgotten pretty soon as my stomach gave a loud sound of protest that made me stagger out of bed and somehow wobble into the hallway and to the bathroom. Falling to my knees, my stomach lurched and I emptied it’s content into the toilet.

Throwing up was the worst part of being sick for me. The horrendous aftertaste that was left in my mouth was just the beginning of my miseries. My throat felt like I had swallowed a handful of needles that were dipped in acid. And every time I swallowed I felt like those needles were puncturing my throat. The pain in my stomach wasn’t helping either.

After throwing up a second time I was sure I didn’t have anything more to throw up. I carefully got up, holding to the sink as I flushed the water. The sound of the toilet seemed too loud and it made the headache almost thunder.

After being sure I wouldn’t fall from the headache I opened the cabinet above the sink and found a bottle of Advil. I didn’t know if that would affect my stomach anymore, but if it meant getting rid of the goddamned headache, then so be it.

As I made my way down the hall I leaned on the walls for support. The stairs were a bit trickier, but slowly I managed to get down. My legs were wobbly as I stepped into the kitchen and went towards the cupboard to get a glass.

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