Drawn love-Chapter 2-Destroying storms

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Nikolai’s P.O.V.


“I will destroy you in the most beautiful way possible, and only after I leave will you know exactly why storms are named after people.”

Finishing my homework I lay down my pencil and stretched. Why did Math have to be so boring? Why couldn’t we have just stuck with the basic two plus two? I mean, it would be far easier if we did. Everything in the world would be far easier if it was simple and humans didn’t have to dig into every single thing to get answers they didn’t need.

And when humans did find the unnecessary answers, they wanted to share them with everyone. They just assumed everyone wanted to know what they discovered and found. They assumed everyone wanted to know the answer to the question ‘How many apples did John have?’.

Why would someone care how many apples the kid had? That’s his problem, not mine. And still, when you tell somebody that, they tell you ‘You’ll need this in life.’

Why would I need the number of apples John had? Would I be his personal apple counter? No. Would the world die if I didn’t know the number of John’s apples? No.

I was pleased with second grade two plus two Math, but nooo, they needed to go and make me count apples. I sighed.

With that rant finished I stood up and went into the bathroom and started striping of my clothes and throwing them in the hamper. A nice shower would fix my annoyance and agitation.

I was known to have a temper and I had the capability of throwing a bitch fit of epic proportions. Those bitch fits always ended up with something broken, like a vase or a plate, and my mother threatening me with bodily harm. It happened for the smallest of things too. I wasn’t in the mood to ruin my night, so cooling off was the best option.

I didn’t take too long of a shower, just enough to get the sense that I’m clean and calmed down. I went to my room, still drying myself, and looked through my closet.

Being lazy by nature when it came to shopping for clothes, I only had two pairs of sweatpants which somehow managed to find themselves buried behind a sea of unfolded clothes I shoved to the back of my closet.

Pulling them on, I threw the towel into the bathroom, making it land on the hamper, and pulled out an army green wife beater. I ruffled my hair just so it wouldn’t dry and be flat like a board and headed downstairs.

Judging by the sizzling and the delicious smells coming from the kitchen, my mom was making dinner. My father was nowhere in sight, so I decided he must be in his office. And when I entered the living room I found my brother watching some god-awful horror movie and scowling at the screen.

The two of us didn’t look much alike, aside from the jet black hair and silver eyes. Though we did have muscular and fit bodies, he was more bulky and a bit taller than me. He had several tattoos and a darker aura around him. Or so they said. I didn’t really notice anything that much.

My attention was drawn back to the TV where a blond girl with obviously fake breasts was slowly inching her way towards the basement door. Idiot.

“Didn’t know you liked horror movies.” I said and dropped beside him on the couch. He scoffed and ran his hand through his hair.

“I don’t. I don’t even know the name of the movie.” Sighing he proceeded to put his feet on the glass table, but, our mom being some sort of mutant badass werewolf with super hearing or telepathic mind powers, chided him. Her voice could be heard from the kitchen and over the television purely because she could speak as if she had a microphone when she wanted.

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