Drawn Love- Chapter 12- Seductive

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I can comfortably say that everything can be a form of expression, be it good or bad, it doesn’t matter.


Nikolai’s P.O.V.


The weekend

There were many things in this world that could captivate a man. There were many things that could make a man their slave. There were many things that could make a man start a war and end one.

Many of those things, most people didn’t even understand. They didn’t understand the importance of them or their meaning.

Those things were dangerous. Deadly. And their power was uncontrollable. Their potential high and unreachable.

There wasn’t a definition by which you could easily recognize the danger you were in before it was too late and you were captured and bound with no way out.

This must seem really terrible and horrifying to most people. But not to me.

In reality, this was the best feeling a man could ever have.

Jasper, the perfect, innocent, little Jasper, was a dangerous, dangerous boy. Dangerous and captivating, with just a little push, he could make me jump off a bridge or kill a high ranking government official.

He knew that, and he knew it well.

And even though I was sure that Jasper would never use his hold over me in that way, I sure knew that he enjoyed torturing the hell out of me in every way possible.

A little twitch of his nose.

A small shake of his ass as he walked.

The long stretch where he ran his hands over his barely covered torso.

Though I don’t think he was doing it on purpose. He thought I was still sleeping and didn’t bother to look at me and away from his canvas.

“Don’t look.” He whispered in a small voice, dragging the paintbrush over the canvas and leaving red color behind it.

“Why not?” I murmured, knowing I was busted.

“It’s embarrassing.” He smiled.

“No, I don’t really think it is.” I said with a smile, “ I love watching you, I love-“

“I love you.” was said in such a small whisper that, if I hadn’t known Jasper better, I could’ve sworn was a fragment of my imagination.

“What?” I managed to choke out.

“I love you.” he said, dropping the paintbrush into the plastic cup with water, “I love you.” he repeated again, more firmly.


“I love you.” he said with a step forward.


“I love you.” another step towards me.

A couple of ‘I love you’s’ later and he was standing next to the bed, with me looking up at him.

His hair was falling on his face, but he just kept on staring at me and for what seemed like the longest of time, I couldn’t even breathe.

But then I smiled and said what I wanted to say for so fucking long I could barely believe I was saying it now, “I love you too, malyutka.”

I spread my arms and let him fall into them, safely tightening them around his waist. We were eye level now and suddenly, I was really glad that nobody else was home this morning because if the bulge in Jasper’s pants and the needy grinding on my hip was anything to go by, Jasper wanted something usually just done in the privacy of a vacant home.

“I want you.” he whispered in my ear.

“Yeah? How much?”

“A lot. The whole way.” Jasper was shy so for him to admit to wanting me was another step forward in the good direction.

“You sure babe?”


Slowly sucking up a mark on Jasper’s neck I concentrated on taking off his t-shirt. he was enjoying himself; I knew because he let out small whimpers of need and desire and let himself be completely pleasured by me.

I ran my hands over his naked torso after the t-shirt ended up on the floor of my bedroom. I lifted his hips, slowly, sensually, careful not to jostle him out of the peaceful wave he was riding on.

Slipping my finger into the waistband of his boxers, I pulled them down and then flipped him on his back so I could take them off easily.

He just clung to my body, his hold tightening and then loosening as I kissed my way around his neck, onto his lips and down his torso.

“You have beautiful skin baby.” I murmured as I took off my clothes down the way as well. Well, I just took off my boxers as I slept in nothing else, but still. “Second drawer in the nightstand.” I gently instructed and waited until he was halfway back to his original position with the supplies before taking him into my mouth.

It made him groan and buck his hips a little before he dropped the lube and condoms onto the bed and took a death grip on the tussled covers.


I lapped my tongue around his shaft, reaching slowly for the lube. I made sure that he was completely focused on how good my mouth on his cock felt before I lubed up my finger and started inserting it into his hole.

I wanted Jasper to feel no pain. I wanted him to feel only love and only pleasure. And I’d make sure that were the only things that Jasper felt in the future.

He moaned and moaned and one finger turned into two and then into three, all pleasurably taking their time. I kept Jasper from coming every time he was close, kept him on the brink so he would be comfortable, yet still enjoying the pleasure.

And then, just as slowly as the first time, I reached for the condoms.

“Are you sure malyutka?” I asked in a whisper as I tore the foil and put the condom on.

“Yes, Niko, yes. Please, I need you. I need you forever, just-“

“I’m here baby.” I said into his ear as I lined my cock with his hole and slowly pushed in, “Push out as I push in, okay sweetie?” I didn’t know where the pet names were coming from, but I just had to call him something.

I had to call him all the beautiful and good things in this world, I just had to. I couldn’t help myself. I had to let him feel all of my love and all of my need and, basically, all of me.

“Yes Niko.” He moaned as I pushed in to the base of my cock. I waited for a few moments for him to adjust and to nod his head before I started thrusting.

Slowly at first before we found the pace that we liked.

And it was amazing. His touches, moans, groans, pants, sighs, whispered words, everything. Everything with Jasper was amazing. Jasper was amazing. And he was mine.

I loved him so much that I wouldn’t even be able to describe how much. in a short period of time I’ve gotten the most precious thing in my life. Loved him. So fucking much I could barely breathe.

“Niko, commi-“ he didn’t manage to finish the sentence as pearly semen spurted from his cock and his channel tightened around my shaft, making me come as well.

After I slowly pulled out, I went into the bathroom for a wet cloth, threw away the condom and went back to clean Jasper- who was now breathing a bit heavy, but smiling happily none the less.

After I threw the cloth into the bathroom again, I pulled Jasper close to me and covered us up again. I kissed him silly, more than twenty times, just because i couldn’t resist. I couldn’t resist him.

“I love you Jasper.” I whispered into his ear and that earned me a beautiful, light-up-the-room smile.

“I love you too Nikolai.”

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