Drawn Love-Chapter 9-Glad to have you

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I slowly crept down the stairs, trying to postpone the inevitable that I knew was to come. I avoided any form of contact with my parents the day before but now I needed to spend some time with them as they were leaving again tomorrow.

It wasn’t something I was looking forward to. I could bet that dinner would be a lot of pestering and a lot of things I didn’t even want to think about.

Despite all that, I made my way to the kitchen where my mother was just finishing setting the table. My father entered from the living room at the same time I did. He went to my mother immediately and kissed her on the cheek.

The two of them were abnormally happy when I wasn’t around. They showed their love for each other in everything they did. But when I was there, the two of them were like army generals. Or so I saw them.

“So how’s school?” my mother asked as she lifted a carefully measured bite of meat on her fork to her lips.

“It’s good. I made some new friends.” And I got a boyfriend. But I wasn’t going to tell them that.

“Really? What’re they like?” my father inquired.

“Uhm, they’re really nice. And Ethan also draws like I do.” When their relaxed faces were replaced with frowns I knew it was the wrong thing to say.

“So you’re still going about that drawing nonsense. You’re a boy Jasper, you shouldn’t be doing things like those. They’re for girls and those fags.” My mother sneered, venom clearly evident in her words.

“But I like doing it.” I tried to defend myself but I knew it was a losing battle.

“Well, you shouldn’t.” my father said as it was enough to deter me from my art, “Besides, you don’t want to look like a faggot now do you? Ethan shouldn’t do it either. Unless he’s a fag.” My father raised a questioning brow at me and I could only shake my head.

I wondered if my father knew that some of the world’s most famous artists were men. I think that even when he was looking at their works to kiss up to his bosses he secretly judged them for doing something ‘fags’ do.

The rest of dinner was spent with me trying to breathe normally and my parents discussing the best way to punish the gays. My chest was heaving rapidly as I made my way towards my room in the end. I almost passed out.

The ringing of my phone shook away any remains of sleep that were clinging my mind and I flipped the heavy cover off of me and reached for my phone. Clicking the ‘answer’ button I noticed it was still early in the morning, around nine o’clock. It was Saturday so we didn’t have school and I planned sleeping in, but it looked like that dream won’t be fulfilled.


“Hey baby. You all right? you sound strained?” Nikolai’s deep voice came from the other side of the line and I was immediately fully awake.

“Yeah, you, uh, you just woke me up.”

“Oh. I’m sorry baby.” I could basically hear his pout and I chuckled.

“It’s okay Niko.” I smiled, “So what’s up?”

“Well nothing much. I got up and seeing it’s Saturday I decided that I wanted to do something fun with you. Sooo, what do you want to do?”

“Um, you can choose. And then come and pick me up or something, my parents are out for business again. They’ll be gone for some time now.” I wasn0t surprised to hear my voice show a tone of relief.

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