Drawn Love-Chapter 5-Innocence

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“I’ve found out that having someone to watch your back helps you face down the terror.”

                -Warriors cross, Julian Cross     

                               Abigail Roux


Jasper’s P.O.V.


Red? No, too flashy. Brown? No, too boring. Yellow? Only if I want to be put in the loony bin. Pink? Since when do I have anything pink? White? Too tidy. Black? Not going to a funeral, Jasper. Dark blue? Perfect.

I sighed happily and pulled the dark blue shirt out of my closet. A light jacket should go over this wonderfully. I didn’t want to look like I spent too much time preparing for this. Or maybe I should look like that? After all, I wanted to look my best for Nikolai and possibly meeting his parents and brother.

That thought alone made me shudder. Now I was even more nervous and it didn’t have anything with how I would dress.

What if his family didn’t like me? Hell, he said no one would be at home and we would just hang out, but what if they somehow find themselves home? What then?

I knew I’d be too nervous to even speak properly. I probably wouldn’t even be able to get two words out without blushing as red as a tomato and embarrassing myself.

I sighed again, this time less enthusiastic, and decided to get dressed. That would get my mind off the thoughts that were bound to make me more nervous than I already was. I wanted today to be just Niko and me.

Now, the two of us were an item so to say. We were together. Of course, it just happened yesterday and all, but I was still giddy and happy. And every time I thought about Nikolai, I thought about that amazing kiss and those sweet little kisses that came afterwards.

The butterflies in my stomach didn’t calm down even when he left somewhere around midnight, to my extreme protest as he shouldn’t be driving so late. I could barely sleep. Partially because I was so excited and because of Niko’s messages.

Half an hour after he left, came the first message. A simple ‘Hi, malyutka’. First I didn’t know what I should answer him, then settled for another simple ‘Hey, Niko’.

From then on, we talked in short messages, then he called me. We talked more, about anything and everything. We cracked jokes, laughed and woke up his older brother. That lasted until about three o’clock when I fell asleep, my phone clutched tightly to my chest.

Nikolai woke me up in the morning, as I overslept school to which I didn’t even plan going to. It seemed that Nikolai decided to skip school too. His excuse was me sneezing on him yesterday and that now he’s sick.

Even though I clearly remember not sneezing once yesterday, my first mind-blowing kiss might’ve altered my memory a bit, so I decided to drop it. I didn’t mind spending the day with him. As a matter of fact, I looked forward to it.

Just as I was zipping up my jeans, the doorbell rang. My heart began beating faster and faster as I quickly checked my hair in the mirror and then practically ran out of my room and down the stairs. I almost tripped once, but caught onto the wall before I high-fived the floor.

When I opened the door, I was panting for breath. And then it completely stopped. No more breathing. Nope. It was like my lungs didn’t care that I needed air to live. They were too preoccupied with the sex god standing on my front steps.

My whole body reacted to him unlike to anyone I’ve ever seen before. My eyes couldn’t stop roaming every inch of his body. My hands couldn’t stop itching to feel him. My mouth couldn’t stop wanting to kiss him. My body wanted and it wanted him.

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