Drawn Love- Epilogue- Drawn Love

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It’s worth it. For him, everything’s worth it.


Jasper’s P.O.V.


So there I was. A month after our first declaration of love, and I knew we were going to last. I knew Nikolai was it for me. Don’t ask me how, I just did.

It was like one of those ‘soul mate’ thingies that you’d always read about in romance books. It was like that, only a thousand times better.

Not only did I get the beautiful, caring and awesome boyfriend, I also got a ton of amazingly supportive friends and a loving and accepting family.

My family, sadly-or not so sadly maybe- somehow got excluded from that happy picture. I don’t know why it was like that, but they never called. Not even once after Niko’s mother had called them and said that I was going to be staying at their house for a while.

For a while meaning until I could take care of myself financially.

They agreed to support me financially while I still lived with Niko. To be quite honest, it was better than when I was living with them. I was alone most of the time and it was almost the same arrangement, only this time, a whole lot better.

I went back to school too. Caught up with my classes, told my story to my friends and found out just how awesome they really were.

I also made a good relationship with Vadim. Somehow, I found peace with Vadim when Niko wasn’t there and while there wasn’t anything romantic in our relationship, I valued Vadim as a good friend and as an amazing advice giver.

And at the end of the day, I fell asleep in Nikolai’s arms. He’d hold me, we’d cuddle, make love, cuddle some more, then he’d hold me again and we’d fall asleep. It was perfect. It was amazing. If was as I had always imagined it to be.

Nikolai was who I always imagined myself being with. He was perfect. He was amazing. Just like out of one of my drawings.

It was almost as if it was drawn love.

Only in our case, it was one hundred percent real.

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