Drawn Love-Chapter 6-Fear

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“Sure, artists were allowed to be self-destructive and crazy, but that didn’t mean they had to be. That didn’t mean all that couldn’t be channeled into something far better. Something with more moaning and less hysterical running.”

                -Hammer Series-Drawn              

                -Sean Michael

Nikolai’s P.O.V.


Jasper nuzzled his nose into my neck as he slowly undid the buttons of my shirt. His soft hands glided over my chest in a motion of sensuality and seduction. His goal was to leave me panting for more, and when his fingers stroked one of my hardened nipples it was all I could do not to beg.

So I moaned, showing my appreciation and at the same time, urging him to do more, go down further with his torturing kisses that he was now laying on my neck. My skin tingled with arousal as all my blood flew down to my cock.

The bulge in my jeans pressed up to Jasper’s firm ass that was right above it as he was straddling my lap. I could feel his smirk on my skin as he slowly started to grind against my member, panting in between kisses.

His own bulge was becoming more and more prominent with every kiss, stroke and grind. I couldn’t resist lowering my hands from his hips to his ass and squeezing tightly. He moaned, losing his concentration and then decided to get revenge by taking my nipple into his mouth.

He nipped at the hardened bud, the released it only to return a moment later with his tongue, licking it and sucking. When his ass lifted off my cock completely, I groaned in protest, but that groan soon turned into one of encouragement as his hands traveled toward the zipper of my pants.

He chuckled and got off my lap. I leaned my head back into the chair and moaned as he slowly stroked my already leaking member. He leaned in to lick at the small drop of pre cum that was on the tip of my cock. That got a throaty moan out of me and he seemed pleased as he looked at me from under his lashes, the innocence still in them, but I could see more lust and want than anything in his eyes.

“Niko.” A musical voice called and the scene began fading away, “Nikolai, wake up.” I came to consciousness and slowly opened my eyes.

The first thing I noticed was the weight on top of me and I almost jumped out of my skin until I noticed it was Jasper sitting on my stomach with his hands on my chest. His eyebrows were furrowed and his lips were pursed.

“You sleep like the dead.” He huffed and slapped my chest, “Do you know how long I was trying to wake you up?”

I blinked a couple of times and then chuckled, lifting my hands to his thighs. I was aware of the painfully obvious boner that I had, but I couldn’t bring myself to go to the bathroom and solve the problem. Jasper sitting on me was just something special.

“Sorry baby, how about I make it up to you?” I winked at him and as if reading my thoughts he lowered his upper body down, almost touching my lips with his.

I finally raised my hand to the nape of his neck and closed the small distance between our lips. We managed to go slow for about a second or two and then the kiss became aggressive. Possessiveness radiated from Jasper as he claimed my lips as his.

When I flipped us so I was above him, he willingly opened his mouth and let me in, wrapping his arms around my neck. I savored the sweet but sharp taste of him and thoroughly explored his mouth. He became adventurous and decided to challenge me by trying to take the lead.

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