Chapter 10: Shockwave...

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"Wake up, ladies, time to rise!" Shouted a guard.

"Hey, Ed, time for you to get up." Said Sean.

"I'm-...I'm awake! What time is it?" I asked.

"Oh, it's only like 5:30am." Sean said.

"WAIT WHAT?" I asked in a very loud tone, then the guard make a shushing gesture to me and said, "consider yourself lucky, normally I aim for 5am."

I sighed and then got up. The guard walked on past my cell and then went on to others' cells and told them to wake up before then after coming back to me to ask me if I was ok. "Yeah, I'm fine, thanks." I replied and then he stared at me and looked as if he was confused.

"You just said thanks?" He asked.

"Yes, I did." I replied.

"You're Edward Shadows right?" He asked me.

"Yes he is." Sean replied.

"Why are you in here? I'm supposed to be the guard but am I not right in thinking that your dad was the general for the army?" He asked and whilst Sean looked at me and put his thumbs up at me.

"I'm in here because I killed a criminal called Nicolas. My dad was the general but I haven't seen him in a very long time." I replied.

"Oh, so you're the one that killed 'ole Nicky, he should've been dead sooner. Hey when you were arrested were they police officers or were they Shockwave officers?" He asked

"They didn't look like normal officers to me. They were wearing this blue combat armour, kinda like military grade but better." I replied. He looked at me with a worried look, at first it terrified me but he followed with words.

"If Shockwave officers put you in here that means th-..."


"I'll look into this soon..." the guard said

"It's ok Ed. It's only worst case scenario if Shockwave are to blame for this, they own a little bit of the government, that's where they get the funding from." Sean said

"Who's Shockwave?" I asked

"Hey, Sean! This guy new? Might have to beat his brains out then." A man said

"Hey, Gary. Chill out, he's cool." Sean said

"Don't defend him, hey you, can you talk?" He asked me. I turned to face him and he looked me dead in my eyes. It was like he looked right into my soul. He looked like a deadly man.

"Of course I can talk you idiot." I said

"Ooo, big boy has a mouth.WELL HOW ABOUT I PUNCH IT INSIDE YOU!" The man said

I got a little bit of fight training a couple months ago and I'd say that I learned a few things. I looked at this guy and smiled.

"I'm gonna beat you to dust, you know that?" He asked me

I swept his foot and punched him whilst he was on the ground. I pounded and pounded and pounded and pounded and pounded and pounded, then Sean pulled me off of him. I let him get up and he swung for me but he missed. I punched him right in the temple then kicked him in the gut. He then grabbed me and threw me into the wall.

"OK, I'm not going easy anymore." He said, he was clearly out of breath and I wanted to give it my all to impress on my first day so maybe I'd get some peace.

But he threw me into the cell this time and that made a loud noise. Before I knew it there was a huge crowd watching. He kicked me then punched and punched and punched and punched and punched. I got back up, I noticed blood coming out of my nose and his nose was also bleeding. I pulled him into a cell and beat his head into the toilet over and over and over again until he couldn't see properly. I looked at what I did to the man and I was scared, not even one day and I've beat someone this badly. I lost focus completely and he grabbed me and threw me across the room into the cell wall. After this the electric cell bars activated. He swung me into it and held me there for a few minutes. I could feel all my strength leaving my body and he lifted me into the air and slammed me on the floor. He rested his foot on my face and laughed and walked on.

He beat me to a pulp. I could hardly stand, I couldn't even walk. But after that I noticed all the lights go out. Even the sun wasn't shining anymore. This was very strange. Then I closed my eyes and when I opened them I was shocked.

I looked around and I saw Shockwave billboards everywhere and Shockwave guards standing around watching me and Sean.

"This is Shockwave. Unfortunately, we had to commence it because otherwise we'd be killed by the Shockwave officers. I'm sorry." The guard said

"No, I'm sorry." A Shockwave officer shot the guard's head off and all other guards were taken out. The Shockwave guards pushed me and Sean and the other prisoners to the floor and I realised that this whole prison was a simulation, it wasn't real at all.

The simulation stopped and we saw that we were in the shockwave's base. I was frightened. My life truly flashed before my eyes and I looked around waiting for something to happen.

"Welcome to Shockwave, you boys have been chosen to participate in the Shockwave programming program. SPP for short. We are going to program all of you to be killing machines and Shockwave will rule the world. I can tell you all my secrets because it won't matter. We will erase your memory before the procedure. Shockwave will rule the world. Oh I apologise, where are my manners. My name is Kent." He said

"Kent...Kent is that you?" I asked

"Someone quiet that man" Kent said

"Kent. It's me your brother." I said

"Anyways, after the procedure you won't remember anything, not even your family. That's if you have any. Now, Mr Turner will erase your memories about what happened just now. You won't remember what just happened at all. You'll only remember my name and Mr Turner's name." He said

"Kent. Kent......" I said

"SHUT YOUR MOUTH!" He said to me.

"I'm not your brother, now erase their memories now!" He said. I was the first person who's memory was erased.

Then after that they put us in cells together

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Then after that they put us in cells together. I was with Sean.
"Let us out of here NOW!" Sean shouted.

"There's no use Sean, they won't do it." I said.

"So is he really your brother?" He asked

"Yes, yes he is." I replied

"So you're telling me that Kent Shadows is your brother? The leader of Shockwave. Your brother?" He asked me.

"I thought he was dead. It can't be him. But he looks the same and has the same name." I said.

"Silence. Sleep now!" A guard shouted

"It's only morning!" I shouted back in reply.

He pointed up to the roof and of course it was bulletproof and unbreakable but past that, the sky was dark.

"It's Dark time, that's what we call it." He said.

"Now shut up and sleep." He continued.

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