Yet another morning comes again. I walked downstairs and my mother stares at me, I could feel the sadness and regret in her eyes, it worried me. I really want her to be OK. I wondered if my dad was alive but not only that but if my brother was alright. I hope he's ok.
"Morning Edward, did you have a good sleep?" Mum asked, she was a rather small lady and it was like stress could kill her,she had auburn brown hair like me but most of it was grey now not because of age but because of how much stressful times she's been through.
"I think I did, it was a troublesome day yesterday and I really don't know what to do about this right now. I just need time to think" I replied
"Well if it helps we can go and check up on your brother and see how he's doing." She said
"I would love that right now, thanks mum!"I replied
I sat down and when she reached for her toast it slipped and luckily I caught it. We smiled at each other and she drank her tea and I drank my water.
Meanwhile somewhere among the woods... A person lurked behind a tree watching the military base and smiling as they walked away from the crime scene.
We headed out of the house and joyfully drove down the busy streets heading towards the hospital, the usual old man stopped us and asked for money and as always I cannot resist helping the elderly even if he kinda stinks. We have the man some change and we drove off. This car was my grandfathers so it was kind of old so with its age it completely slowed down. I never really got to meet my grandfather, he must've been an amazing man.
We eventually stopped at the hospital and surprisingly it was not full of people. My mother worked at the hospital and she worked down the hall from where my brother was being kept so I drove her to work and I got to see my brother.
"Hey there big guy,you doing good?" I asked him
"If half my face being burned off means I'm good then I guess I'm good!" He replied aggressively
"Chill man,literally, your face was burned off." I replied and laughed
"Man,it's good to see you, I missed you and mum!" He said with a smile
"We missed you too man! Even though you've only been in here for a night, but seriously, what you did to look for dad was heroic. I wish I would have the courage to do that." I said
"But you do, I saw you come to try look for me and dad, I also saw when you flew so far you looked like you were flying!" He replied
"I did what I thought was right, and protecting my family is always number one priority." I said
"You know,I never would've thought that that would've happened, who would start such a thing?" He asked
"Arsonists, don't forget that this town is not new to fires on a daily basis, that's why this one town has seven fire stations." I replied
"Yes but it doesn't make sense, a fire that big? Why would they do that to the people who protect them?" He stated
"I understand what you're trying to say, you're making a very good point but maybe they don't believe they are protecting them." I replied
"But when I was in there I found this picture:
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This is was the military base a decent amount of years back, it was around the time when grandpa was in the army, mum told me about it and dad gave me this picture, he said that grandpa taught him all he knows and showed him top secret stuff." He said
"You're always the one with the info man, you really amaze me, but I mean you are my brother after all!" I said
"It was nice talking to you bro, tell mum I said hi, I have surgery soon so I'll be back home in no time!" He said with joy
"Sure thing!" I said
"Edward, can you come here please, we need to talk about something." mum shouted from outside the room.
"What is it mum?" I asked
"There's something about the fire that you need to know..."