Chapter 3:Suspicious Man

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"OK Edward, I need to tell you all of the information when we get home, it has to do with your father." Mum said.

"OK, let me just say goodbye to my brother and I-...."

"No, we can't leave him here, apparently the so called arsonist hates our family, your father to be exact." Mum explained.

"I was informed by the police that were doing an investigation and they told me that this isn't the first time someone tried to kill your father." She continued.

"But, what has he done?" I asked.

"I don't know Edward, but until we can safely identify why we can't leave your brother here and we mustn't leave the house, for our safety." She said.

Meanwhile in a nearby scrapyard...
"OK, I've done the job, I'm pretty sure the man is dead, now where is the money?"

"You haven't completed your job, I told you I want all of them dead and you've barely gotten the father, who knows if he's alive or not?"

"You're not even sure that he's dead, what if he's alive, that's gonna cause some trouble for my company."

"OK boss, but what about the brothers and the mother?"

"Eliminate all threats and then you get the money."

"OK, I'll make sure I do you proud

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"OK, I'll make sure I do you proud."

"Now shut up and leave here now."


I looked outside of the window and I saw some suspicious people over in the scrapyard, one had a scar on the arm and a scar on the face. That's weird, how come I've never seen these people working in the scrapyard before. Mum told me that we had to go now, and to bring brother with us.

"OK, we have to go Kent, mum said we can't be here anymore." I told him.

"But why Ed?" He asked.

"I'll explain at home." I told him.

"How are you planning to take me home with all of these wires connected to me, and plus I don't have shoes, this floor is dirty full of bacteria that is har-....".

"Just shut up, you're walking on the ground and mum has notified the doctor so when he gets here we can finally leave this place and go home." I interrupted

"Well, OK but you have to tell me every little detail when we go home because I want to know everything." He said

Kent started to talk about all of their grandfather's statements he would tell them before he went home. "Be careful," he had always said, "always watch your back. There's always someone trying to harm you" he had passed away two years ago. Since then, we made sure that we were very careful and always watching our backs, I'm guessing mum was told the same."Edward? Come on! get Kent and we're going home now. Hurry it up we don't have all day!"
Kent shook himself out of his thinking time and started to get up out of the bed and I helped him up.

"I hurt my face not my legs, I don't need help to get up." He said.

Then he fell on the bed. You know he has very poor judgement.

"Yeah, maybe not." I said to him as I laughed.

The sun was starting to set and eventually we got out of there and got into the car. We were having a very good time and we were driving along happily going home then across the street she saw a figure under a oak tree looking at us. He had a scar on his face and he wore a shirt with no sleeves and I could notice he also had a scar on his arm, my eyes widened and he looked like he was panicking. He told us to beware for people in this town. He patted our car as we drove off and went home.

"OK now that we're home can you please tell me what's going on on?" Kent eagerly asked.

"OK OK calm down, what's happening is that someone was out to kill our father so they burned the military base down and now we have to all stay here to remain completely safe away from all of the people that might come after our family. But the thing is nobody knows if father is dead or if he is alive." I explained.

"Oh, but if he is alive why hasn't he come home by now?" He asked.

"I don't know." I answered.

"It's because he made it out of the fire but since I didn't want him to cause harm to our family I told him to go and live someplace else away from us. I'm sorry, I was just protecting you." Mum said.

"Wait what?!" Me and my brother said in unison.

"I'm so sorry boys." She continued.

"But..." Kent said.

"She was trying to protect us Kent, we have to respect and love her for that." I said.

"OK, thanks mum!" Kent and I said.

"You're welcome, now if you're going to stay down here make sure to turn off all the lights for when you go to bed." Mum said.

"Sure thing mum" Kent replied.

The tracker seems to be working, I'll just show up at their house and make up some story then eliminate them one by one. Boss will be so proud of me, I better get walking this seems far from here.

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