Chapter 1

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Hey guys this is my book its about one direction ok so i hope you all like it im gonna work on it a lot.

Emmas pov:

Finally the last day of my sophmore year is over . Some of my friends and i are going out to a party to celebrate later on tonight. As i was leaving i yelled

"bye guys see you later" to them i heard a chourus of "byes" as i started to walk away toward home.

I pretty much live right down the street from school so i walk to and from school. When i got home i ran upstairs to my room and went into my closet to choose an outfit for tonight it was still summer weather so i planned on wearing some shorts and a tank top. I finally decided on my light blue high waisted shorts with my 5 seconds of summer crop top and my black converse. Yes i like 5 seconds of summer i love their music so much!

When i got out of the shower i put on my make up covering up all of my bruises and cuts on my face and started to walk out the door to my car and thats when i heard my dad behind me

"where are you going" i heard him say

i could smell the alchohol on his breath when i turned around.

" i-i was just going out to a" i couldnt finish my sentence before he knocked me to the ground

"dont tell me what your gonna do i make the rules around here... And what friends you cant have any friends... This summer were moving to tampa, florida" he said with a smirk on his face.

Wow i wanted to smack that smirk right of of his face, so i did

"OUCH! YOU LITTLE BITCH" he yelled charging at me. I ducked under him and ran out my front door right when my friend kylie pulled up

"hey gurl" she said i was so happy to see her right now she has been my friend ever since we were 7 years old she was the only one who knew my dad abused me.

"Hey" i gave her a fake smile but of course she saw right through my lie.

"whats wrong emma?" I just looked away so she couldnt see the new forming mark on my right cheek.

"emma Are you ok?" She turned my face so i could see her

"emma is that a new mark? I swear to god if that bastard did this to you!"

"N-no i sliped while getting out the shower" i said quickly to her. She sighed but let the subject drop.

We both turned our heads when we heard the front door slam

"hey little b-" he saw kylie and changed his tone straigh away

"i mean hey emma its cold dont you wanna come in and get warm" emma glared at him and pulled out of the driveway giving him the bird as we drove away we both got a good laugh about that.

As we got to the party you could hear the blaring music from outside as we walked in the smell of alchohol came to me and i saw sweaty people dancing and people making out everywere.

"now this is a party" emma yelled to me over the music.

She soon left to go dance with some guy ive seen around school i think his name was kyle or something. the whole night i havent seen liam or louis. While i went into the kitchen to get another drink i was surprised to see no one in there. While i was on about my 15th drink i felt someone come behind me and put there hand on my shoulder

"hey babe wanna go dance?" I turned around and it was zayn the school bad boy. The alchohol was running in my system so i didnt even think before talking

"yeah lets go"

i led him to the dance floor about to fall over from all the beer i've had. Right now we were dancing to some fast song and then he grabbed my hips and pulled me closer to him and i started to grind on him at the end of a few song i turned around and i could smell how strong the smell of the alchohol was on his breath. He leaned in and started to kiss me it was a rough kiss.

"get off me zayn!" I yelled at him

"awe baby cant have a little fun?" He smirked at me. I tried to get out of his grip but of course hes way stronger than me no one was paying any attention towards us so he picked me and started walking toward the stairs thats when i saw liam in the crowd

"LIAM LIAM HELP ME!!" I yelled at him.

He turned his head just in time and dashed towards us.

"Aye let her go mate!" He yelled at zayn pulling me out of his grip and putting me behind him protectively

"hey mate dont mess with me.. Now if you move aside and let me have my girl so i can take her to the bed a-" he was cut of by liam throwing a punch at his face

"SHES NOT GOING ANYWERE WITH YOU MATE" zayn got off the floor and pushed liam pretty hard cause he fell on the floor

"i dont think you wanna mess with me" now they were fist fighting throwing each other all around the house soon enough a crowd gathered around and watched. louis and kyle pulled them apart from each other and put them a good distance away from each other. Louis came over to me and sat by me on the couch were i had been sitting for the last 10 minutes

"emma, are you ok? What happened? What were they fighting about?" I started to feel the tears build up in my eyes until i couldnt hold it anymore. I sobbed into louis shirt while her rubbed my back

"Its ok its ok love" he would say. When i calmed down he finally asked me

"what happened?"

"Louis i-i i almost got raped"

"what! That bastard tried to touch you!" I sat him down and explained the whole story to him.

"Well no more drinking for you for a while little one"

"louis im older than you so if anything you would be the little one!"

"you know what isnt little though?"

"What are you talking about.... Ohhhh omg louis your so nasty!" I stared at him with wide eyes for a while then we both burst out laughing. When we sobered up his girlfriend asked him if he wanted to come dance

"yeah sure just a sec" as she walked away he looked at me seriously

"are you gonna be fine alone for a bit?"

"Yeah ill be fine you go have some fun"

"ok but if that bastard messes with you again you better find me or liam ok"

Hey guys hows my book so far i hope you all like it

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