Chapter 7

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Nialls pov:

We were cuddling and then her phone started ringing from the other room

How rude of the phone to interupt out moment!

She was in there for a while i heard a thud and guessed she just dropped the phone on accident. Then i heard crying. I got up and ran to the room to see what wass wrong. When i walked in i saw her phone on the ground and her leaned against the wall with her knees pulled uo to her chest sobbing

I ran to her side and got down beside her

"Whats wrong love?"

She let go off her legs and lept onto me and held onto my neck. I picked her up and she wrapped her legs around my waist. I carried ge to my room and laid her down and cuddled her until se fell asleep.

•••••••••••••••Next day••••••••••••••••••

She loked so peaceful while she slept that i didnt want to wake her up. She started to stir and she started to cry and scream things

"No josh g-get away from me, NO NO LEAVE ME ALONE!!"

She woke up and started crying i sat behind her hugging her from behind

"Its ok love it was just a dream"

After about 2 minutes she calmed down

"Hey emma?"


"Um who's josh"

She stiffined up a bit but relaxed after a little bit

"Umm h-hes um"

I turned her around so she would be facing me

"Emma. Who's josh"

"Ok this is a long story so get comfy"

"Im comfy right here"

"Ok well it all all started back in the 3rd grade"


As i was walking down the hall i felt someone pull me to the ground. No one helped me up or asked if i was ok they all just laughed at me. I looked up to some dude who had blonde hair. He was wearing black skinny jeans with a black t-shirt a plain red nike jacket and red high tops.

"Hey babe" he smirked at me

"Leave m-me alone"

"Aww how adorable your scared"

"N-no im not" i lied

"Its ok to be scared babe"

"Dont call me that"

"I do what i want when i want" he said as he came up and kicked me in the stomach 5 times

"And if you tell anyone this happened i swear i will make your life a living hell"

"O-ok" i sqeaked as tears fell out of my eyes.

"By the way my name is josh, josh devine"

He kicked me in the face and stomach a few more time and then walked away leaving me laying in the middle of the hallway. I soon got up and for 15 minutes i was in the bathroom crying. When i went to class i got yelled at for skipping 30 minutes and later that day i was called to the principles office for missing half of a class.

"Were were you for 30 minutes of the class?" He had a british accent im pretty sure

"I-i was having locker troubles and had to get someone to help me with my locker"

"Oh ok so if i call that student up and ask them if they were helping you with your locker they will say yes"


"What was the students name?"

"His name is j-josh devine"

When josh walked into the office he smirked at me as he sat down.

"So mr.devine emma here tells me you were helping her woth her locker and thats why the the two of you were late to class... Is this true?"

"Yes i saw she was having troubles in the hall with it so i kindly offered to help her with it"

"Oh well for being a good student i will reward you with 2 golden stars"

"Oh a golden star yay me" he remarked sarcastically while my mouth hung wide open.

"Ok we'll you two get to class now"

When we got in the hall I walked fast away from josh.

"Woah woah we're are you in a rush to little one"

I stopped in my tracks and turned around.

"Good girl your learning to listen"

He pulled me back closer to him by my hair.

"Ow! You told me if I didn't tell anyone you wouldn't hurt me!"

"Oh honey I lied your life will be horrible from now on" he whispered in my ear I could feel his lips brushing my ear.


When I looked up at Niall he was crying. When he saw me looking at him he hugged me.

"I'm so sorry that happened to you Emma."

"Yeah we'll he's gonna find me and he's gonna make my life a living hell again"

"No he won't whoever this guy is I won't let him touch you ever again."

"Thank you so much Niall"

"Anything for you love" he kissed my forehead.

Sorry I haven't updated in a long time I've had to do Christmas shopping and now that I have wifi and a new phone I'll be able to update more often.

How was your Christmas what all did you get?

I got a new iPhone 4S, clothes, shoes, and ONE DIRECTION TICKETS!!!!

Follow me on twitter & tumblr @horanandnandos

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