Chapter 9

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When I walked into the kitchen niall was nowhere to be found.

"Niall?" I called out

Then all of a sudden all the lights in the house went off. I got scared. I've always been scared of the dark ever since what happened in the 8th grade.


We were in our 5th period class watching finding nemo when all of a sudden the while schools electricity powered off. Then we heard the intercom go off

"School we are on lockdown everyone lock your doors right away!!"

The lady sounded scared as hell. Then the whole class got scared. Me and my friend Kylie were sitting by each other against the wall when we heard shots in the hallway and screams.

"Class everyone be as quiet as you can" the teacher wispered

The hallways were quiet and then there was a knock at the door... Everyone was crying by then. The handle started to shake and there was a rapid pounding on the door. My and Kylie always had a hiding place in the teachers closet so I grabbed Kylie and ran towards it we got in and I locked the door. Then we heard the doors window break and whoever it was grabbed the handle and opened the door. There was a small hole in the closet so me and Kylie watched in horror as the masked man flicked on the lights and shot down the whole class and ran out. We soon heard sirens and the police came into the room. I unlocked the door and Kylie and I stepped out of the closet. The cops took us and called our parents so we went home.

When I got home my dad beat me saying how it was my fault and how I could have saved the class by putting more people into the closet. Later that night I snuck out and went to Kylie's house. We turned on the news and it was horrible. 56 students died and 7 teachers. We both cried ourselves to sleep that night being terrified of our lives. School was canceled for 2 weeks because of this massacre.

End of

Now I was shaking and I still didn't know where Niall was it's been 5 minutes.

"Niall?! Where are you??"

I walked into the living room when I heard a Big Bang in the kitchen like a pan falling. Then I froze and I didn't know what to do. I looked for the fastest place to hide which ended up being on the side of the sofa under a black coffee table. I heard footsteps running into the living room. Then they went up the stairs and back down into the living room. The walked over and stood by the couch. Then I heard them

"Emma?! Where are you!!??"

It was niall. Thanks gosh I was so scared. I crawled out from under the table and he turned around.

"There you are I was so scared baby"

His new nickname for me gave me butterflies.

"I couldn't find you niall I called your name countless times!!!"

"I'm sorry.. I was in the electric room trying to fix the power but it's off and won't come back on!!"

"It's ok I was just scared.."

I hugged onto him like he was keeping me from falling off the earth. "Niall I'm hungry"

"Well let's go look for something shall we?"

"We shall"

When we got into the kitchen Niall picked up the pan that fell and said

"Hm wonder how that fell."

"Wait you didn't knock that over?"


"Niall..i think someone's in the house."

"I doubt that I have the alarm system on"

We walked over to the alarm system and sure enough the wires were cut. Then we heard someone walking upstairs

"Emma go hide" he whispered

He went up the stairs slowly and I ran into my hiding spot that I was before. As I was there I heard someone walking down the stairs. they had something sharp in their hand. A knife! I can't let Niall get by this person he could get hurt! Niall soon crept down the stairs after. The person was still in the same spot when all of a sudden he went flying backwards and the knife out of his hand. Niall was soon on top of this person hitting them in the face more and more. By now I was trying to pull Niall off the person before he killed them.

I grabbed the phone and called 911 before the person would try to attack again. when the cops got here Niall explained what happened an the cops told us we wouldn't have to worry about this person because they would be in jail for a while for armed weapon (idk what it's called lol)

they put him in the car and wow what a shocker it was my fucking dad. that scared the hell out of me. how did he know where niall lived... and if he even got to us what would he do

~~~~~~2 months later~~~~~~~~~

emmas POV:

i woke up by niall jumping onto me and singing in my face the song im bringing sexy back.

"thanks for the nice wakeup niall"

"you're welcome princess" he said as he kissed me. and yes kissed we are now a couple and have een for a month and half. we got together on our first date which was at the zoo. in the penguin section because as niall says "penguins are romantic"

well you know what they say.. you learn something new everyday

"what today niall?"

"monday and if you dont hurry up and get ready we will be late for school"

i walked to the guest room which i was staying in for now because niall says he feels more safe when im with him.

i walked into my closet and picked out my black crop tee with a big white x in the middle of it, my black high wasted shorts, with my white vans. After I finished my makeup and straightened my hair I grabbed my phone and met Niall downstairs.

"Ready?" He asked

"Yep let's go to hell now"

When we got to school everyone was staring at us. We haven't been to school since the first day. Still NOONE knew who I was. We walked into school holding hands while people were still looking at us.

And then I saw the same girl from the first day. Crayon girl. she walked up to us and glared at me as he started talking to Niall

"Hey Niall I missed you wanna hangout afterschool"

"Sorry I can't I have stuff to do Molly"

"What could you possibly have to do? Are you going to be with this slut?!"

That was it I had enough with her flirting with Niall trying to get in his pants and now she calls me a slut???

"Excuse me?? I'm the slut? At least I don't put on loads of makeup and try to get into boys pants who have a girlfriend!!!" I told her off

"Niall you have a girlfriend? Who is it?"

"It me bitch now get the fuck"

She gasped

"How could you date something as ugly and trashy as her"

I pulled my fist back to punch her but Niall stopped me and pulled me behind him. Now it was his turn to talk.

"Listen here slut. Emma is a good girlfriend. She's everything I would want in a girl. She's perfect, beautiful, smart, and funny. Everything you aren't. Now this is our first day back and you don't need to ruin it so you can jus walk your whoreish self away."

She stepped back so we could get through. when I walked past her she pulled my hair. Oh HELL NO no one touches my hair so I turned around and punched her. She got knocked out. But we didn't even care we just walked away from her and the crowd that formed.

Finally 5th hour let out and we went to lunch. I met Niall outside and we drove to chick fil a for lunch.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2014 ⏰

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