Chapter 3

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As me and niall walked together to our first hour which was science everyone turned their heads as we walked in.

"Ahh mr.horan and ms. Thomas i suppose you have a reason for being late." The teacher asked us

"Yes actually a good one. You see a bitch as everyone knows as barbie pushed my friend here down in the hall and made her drop all her stuff" niall said and the whole class burst out laughing.

I looked into the crowd and saw cassidy scoff and glare at us

"Ok well take a seat now" i looked at the board and her name was mrs. Turner.

We both walked to the back of the classroom as i was walking i saw one of cassidys friends stick her foot out to trip me but i stepped on her foot

"ouch! Mrs. Turner she tried to trip me!" Mrs. Turner didnt even bother turning around.

"Well sorry havent you heard not to wear open toed shoes in science class" that earned a few chuckles from the class.

As i made my way to the back of the class yet again i felt someone smack my ass "hey babe" i turned around and came face to face with a dude with curly brown hair, green eyes, and dimples. I smacked his in the face and tried to walk to the back of the class but he grabbed my wrist and spun me around

"hey no need to get feisty love" he wispered into my ear.

"Hey mate leave her alone" i heard niall say as he pulled me away from him

"sorry mate but i dont go by your rules" he said his voice drippimg with venom as he pushed niall a little bit. Niall got up and told me to got outside the classroom and wait for him. As i walked out i saw the dude throw a punch at nialls face. I walked down into the bathroom and looked in my bookbag for something to hurt my skin. I found a pen and started cutting my skin. It hurt so bad but i couldnt help myself i've stopped for a few months but everything has gotten a lot worse and now my friend is fighting with some guy about me

"emma! Emma! Were are you?" I heard niall call my name. I pulled down my sleeve cleaned up my face and walked out.

When i came out of the bathroom i saw niall his face was all bloody.

"OH MY GOD NIALL!! Are you ok?" I ran and hugged him

"yeah im ok" he hugged me back. We stayed like that for a few minutes.

"Come on lets get you home, yeah?"

"N-no i cant go home cause ill get in trouble for leaving school"

"come on i dont want that douche harry to bother you again" he started to drag me by my wrist i winced pulled my wrist away.

"Whats wrong with your wrist love" he tried to pull my sleeve up but i pulled it away. I couldnt let him see my cuts and scars.

"Let me see your wrist emma" he grabbed my arm and pulled my sleeve up. I closed my eyes. When i opened my eyes i saw that he was staring at me.

"Why?" I avoided any kind of eye contact.

"I wish i could tell you" he surprised me by pulling me in for a hug

"please dont anymore"

"ok ill stop for you" i wispered as i cried into his shirt.

"Awww if it isnt little bitch" we heard someone say to us and of course it was the one and only cassidy

"awww if it isn the wicked whore of the west" niall said

"whatever" she scoffed

as we walked out of school i yelled to her "bye bitch"

When we got to my house we said goodbye to each other and i thanked him for a ride. When i was walking to my front door i swear i forgot something. I just shrugged it off, when i walked inside my dad was watching tv on the couch.

"What are you doing out of school"

"i-i um" i couldnt find my voice.

He came over and smcked me pushing me on the ground and starting kicking me everywere. Is this really it am i going to die today. I kept thinking to myself. Thats when i heard the front door open. I turned my head and saw niall come in with my bookbag

"dude get the fuck off of her" he was so pissed off right now his eyes that were usualy a bright blue turned a very dark blue.

"who the hell are you?" my dad questioned him. Niall ignored his question. Instead he just repeated everything he was just doing to me until he layed there knocked out.

Niall picked me up and carried me to his car. When he sat me down i just cried and cried. It seems like ive been doing that a lot lately. Niall drove me to the hospital the last thing i heard was

"someone help" before i blacked out.

When i woke up i was in a hospital bed. Why was i in a hospital bed? then all of it came rushing back into my mind. Finally a docter came in

"oh miss. Thomas your awake, well it seems that youve broken two ribs and you have a broken arm. Can you fill me in on what has happened?"

"I-i i dont know."

"It would be very helpful if you tell me"

"ok well... M-my dad has been abusing me all my life since my mom d-died" i could feel the tears buil up in my eyes

"hmmm ok thank you, im very sorry well see if we can help"

Then i remembered that niall brought me "NIALL"

"oh that boy with the blonde hair" the nurse asked

"yes were is he?" She pointed out the room the were the cafeteria was i saw niall he was making coffee.

"Ok thank you". Niall turned around and when he looked at me a huge grin spread on his face as he walked over to me.

"Im so glad your ok now" he said as he hugged me.

The nurse noticed we wanted to be left alone he sat in tue chair and held onto my hand.

"Hey emma i think i li-" he was cut off by kylie opening the door

"oh my god emma are you ok"

"yeah just two broken ribs and a broken arm"

"oh hes going to pay for it this time im getting you out of that place"

Omg he found out that she was being abused by her dad. I was wondering if you guys could comment some good books i should read because i want a really good book to read now. The next chapter is in nialls point of view well i love you all. Byeeeee

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