Chapter 4

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Nialls pov:

When i dropped emma off we said bye and she walked inside. Then i noticed she left her bookbag in my car. I parked in her driveway and got her bookbag and started walking up to her door.

I was about to knock when i heard crying and screaming. I didnt even bother knocking then, so i just walked in. When i walked in i saw emmas dad kicking her in the stomach, emma turned her head slightly "dude get the fuck off of her!"

"Who the hell are you" her dad asked

I just ignored it went up and punched him in the face throwing him on the ground making him feel the same pain as emma until he was knocked out.

I picked emma up and carried her to my car. She cried the whole way to the hospital. When we got to the hospital i picked her up and ran inside. "Someone help me" i looked down at emma and noticed her eyes werent open anymore and i felt for a pulse and.. There wasnt one.

"Help me shes not brathing" i saw doctors run up to me and put her on a stretcher "emma emma!" I tried to walk in but a doctor stopped me

"Im sorry sir but you cant go in unless your family" the docter told me

I nodded and he walked back inside the room and shut the door. I went into the waiting room and covered my face with my hands and cried. I figured out a long time ago that i liked emma and my feelings are starting to get a lot stronger towards her i think its about time i should tell her. When she wakes up im going to tell her.

It was about 9:00 before the doctors said i could go in. I went and sat down in the chair by her bed and held her hand. After a while i fell asleep in the chair. I woke up to her monitor beeping like crazy. I looked at it and then it went into a straight line.

I started to panick. Just as i was about to get help doctors and nurses came rushing in to help her. I was crying again i kept asking myself a question in my head over and over "whats going to happen?"

I was in the waiting room pacing around waiting for the doctors to tell me what happened and if she'll be ok. Finally they came out and told me i could go see her now. Before i went in to see her i wanted to get a drink so i went to the cafeteria and got some coffee.

As i turned around to walk to her room i saw her laying in her bed looking at me. I smiled at her and started to walk towards her.

"Im so glad your ok now" i told her as i pulled her in for a hug. I looked at the nurse and she noticed we wanted some alone time.

"Emma i think i really lik-" i was cut off by some girl opening the door and running up to emma. Im guessing it was one of emmas friends.

Finally we got to check emma out the next day. We got her stuff and put it in my car.

As we pulled up i got her stuff and carried it up to the guest room and showed her were everything was.

I went into my room and took off my shoes shirt and pants. I really couldnt sleep cause i was thinking about that one oerson.. Emma. I couldnt stop thinking about her. How do i tell her i like her. Well i knew it would be soon. Probably tommorrow.

How do you guys like this chapter? Thank you all for the follows and votes. Please comment, follow, and vote. I will love you all forever if you do. So i tried to curl my hair today and i burned myself 😂😂 im and idiot. Well goodbye my lovesss

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