Chapter 6

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"Well goodbye love i have to go to school" he came over and gave me a hug and kiss on the forehead he pulled away slowly and we stared into each others eyes. He slowly leaned in closing his eyes


I did the same as him and closed my eyes. Ive fianally noticed just how much i like niall. Woah like him? Yeah i think that right. I like niall. His lips were hovering over mine right now and i said it "i-i i like you niall"

He pulled away and stared at me for a while.

"I know you dont like m-"

He cut me off by pressing his lips onto mine he broke away to say just 5 words that changed my life forever.

"I like you to emma" he said with a big grin on his face.

I pulled him down on the bed with me so he was beside me and we kissed for a while

He held onto my hips while i brought my hands up to his hair. I pulled away and stared at him and bit my lip. It wasnt until now that i noticed he didnt have a shirt on.

"Like what you see love?"

I just nodded and blushed but i dug my head into the crook of his neck to cover it up

"Niall, i-i think i like you"

"I dont think i like you emma"

I felt my heart sink at that moment as i crawled off if him and curled into a ball facing the opposite way of him. He wrapped his arms around my waist as he sighed.

"You didnt let me finish.. I dont think i love you... I know i like you emma"

I turned around at his words grinning ear to ear.

"Really? That was really cheesy"

"Yeah i know but i've liked you since the first day i saw you in the hall at school i like everything about you like your big green eyes, your blonde hair, your dimples, even your braces pook beautiful on you, i like that they match your eyes perfectly i like all your flaws and just everything about you i like you for you"

"Awww niall your so sweet"

"I know right" he joked

"Well im guessing im skipping school today oh well" he got up and took off his pants leaving him in his black boxers. I couldnt stop staring at him he was truly handsome. He noticed me staring and did a micheal jackson move

"Niall you bad boy"

He fell on the floor laughing while i just sat there and stared at him like a kid looking at a cute puppy. His laugh was so loud but adorable.

After he sobered up he went to the opposite side of his room farthest from his bed and he started running towards his bed and jumped

"Niall what are you doi-" i was cut off by flying literally 6 feet in the air from him plopping on the bed. I ended up landing on the ground. I would be crying if i wasnt laughing so hard right now.

"Niall *laugh* what *laugh* the fuck *laugh* were you *laugh* trying to do" i said in between laughs

"Um i was just trying to be iron man.." His cheeks turned a bright pink

He got up and walked over to were i was and picked me up bridal style and layed me down on the bed. He hopped over me and we both cuddled for a while until i heard my phone ringing.

"Be right back niall" i got up and ran into the room.

I picked up my phone and looked at the caller i.d

It was a unknown number. Oh well i slid answer and held it up to my ear.

"Hello" i heard wispering in the backround

"Hello emma"

"Um whos this?"

"Shouldnt you know"

"W-what do you mean?"

"Dont you recognize my voice?"

"No um who is this"

"This is someone thats from your past maybe if you dig down deep enough youll find out"

Then it hit me.

"I-is this josh" my voice started cracking

"You got that right sweetie, now a little birdie told me were you lived maybe ill pay a little visit to you"

"N-no dont ever come by me"

"Aww are you scared how cute ill see you next week babe"

Then the line went dead. I dropped my phone and backed away until i hit the wall. I sank to the floor and pulled my feet to my chest and cried and cried i guess i was crying pretty hard because niall came running in the room looking for me. When he saw me he came running to my side.

"Whats wrong love?"

I ignored his question i let go of my knees and put my arms around nialls neck. He picked me up and i wrapped my legs aroumd his waist. I felt like the whole worlds weight has just fell on my shoulders. He carried me to his bed and laid me down on his bed and cuddled me until i fell asleep. Woah i didnt know i was this tired.

Its about time that they told each other how they felt. Who do you think josh is?

So i was curling my hair with my friends curling wand and i burned my hand in the same place 3 times it really hurts.

Omg catching fire is such a good movie. And theres gonna be 2 parts to mockingjay so its like oh yeah twice the finnick

Are my author notes boring? I feel like they are and im just waisting your time.

Well follow comment and vote please

Goodbye my lovelies

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