Chapter 8

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Emma's pov:

We were just laying in bed with our eyes closed even though we weren't asleep.

I'm glad I have someone like him in my life. Usually when I told people something like this they would leave but I'm glad he stayed. I don't know why he did. I needed to know though.

"Niall?" I hope this doesn't turn out bad and he ends up leaving me like everyone else did.


"Why me?"

By now both our eyes were open and we were looking into each other's eyes.

"I mean why are you still with me"

"Of course because I'm your friend that's what friends do right?"

"Yeah, if you have friends" I mumbled the last part hoping he didn't hear it but he did.

"What do you mean if you have friends? You have friends don't you?"

"N-no" I could feel my eyes start to water up so I looked away. I've never had friends every time I would make one or two friends my dad would threaten them or they would find out about my past and leave me. I felt the tears slowly fall down my face

He lifted my chin up so I was looking at him. He wiped away my tears.

"Don't cry princesses shouldn't cry"

" I'm not a princess or never will be"

"Yes you are your my princess"

"Has anyone ever told you how sweet you are to everyone"

"Oh yes many people like me, my mom, um my mirror, my mirror, my mirror, and um my mirror"

"Awe how cute your biggest fan is your mirror"

"Yes yes it is" Niall grinned

"Well I'm your new biggest fan ok"

"Yay" he said in a baby voice

"I'm going to give you a nickname I think it should be nialler"

"Hmmm nialler yes I like it" he stroked his chin with his index finger slowly as in thought

"I'm hungry" just at that moment my stomach growled.

"Yes me to but when am I not"

"Same here I'm in love with food"

"Really same here"

"Yeah and I guess it was meant to be because my initials are E.A.T Emma annalynn Thomas"

"That's a beautiful name"

"Thank you what's your full name? and I meant that in the less creepiest way ever"

"It's Niall James Horan"

"Oh I like your middle name it's like I'm that basketball player on the heat team ummmm what's his name labon.... laquan I can't remember"

"Haha it's Lebron James"

"Yeah the only reason I know his name is because I had to do a report on him in the fourth grade"

"Oh that's cool"

"Yep so do you want to go get food orrrrr"

"Yeah let's go get food" he walked towards the door while I stood there thinking of what's going to happen when I go home.

"Hey aren't you coming miss hungry" he peaked his head in the door

"Oh yeah sorry ha... Ha" I walked down the stairs still in thought.

Hey guys sorry I haven't updated in like forever but I've been so caught up in school and trying to get my grades up and I've been reading a lot.

So I know this chapter kinda sucked but the next chapter will be very fun.

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