Chapter 2

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As we pulled up at our new house i sadly remembered the day we left it was one of my worst days i lost a really good friend that day


As i walked into starbucks 4 people i know as my friends came running up to me pulling me into a hug. As they pulled at them i gave them a sad smile. Louis pulled me into a bear hug

"i dont want you to leave me who will i go shopping with now"

"louis you sound like a gay boy but you have elounor anyways"

"but i dont want you to leave ill miss you so much"

"aww louis ill always remember you and ill miss you to" as we pulled away i saw a small tear slip from his eyes

"awww is the tommo tomlinson crying" i cooed to him

"no pah-lease its sweat gurl"

"and theres the sassmaster from doncaster we all know" he scoffed but backed away so everyone else could say their goodbyes.

Liam walked up to me pulling me into a 3 minute long hug

"hello other people here need to say goodbye" kyle said

"ill never forget you.. Remember ill always be there for you no matter how far apart we are. Youll always be in my heart" he said kissing my forehead then started sobbing and ran out the store....

What did he mean by that, and then leave like that, i couldn hold it in anymore the tears streamed down my face slowly.

Kylie pulled me in for a hug and whispered in my ear so no one could here

"ill be by you the whole way ok" i gave her a little smile and hugged her.

Last was kyle he hugged me

"bye emma ill see you around".

Then the unthinkable happened i was being pulled by my hair away from him when i turned around it was my dad. He punched me in the face and made me land on the ground. Louis ran to my side, he picked me up and stepped away.

I saw my dad pick up kyle and the last thing i heard was "if you talk to her i swear i will fucking kill you!!"


Wow that was a hard day after that i never heard from kyle again. He never tried to contact me or wouldnt answer my calls. It hurt to know that one of your best friends are ignoring you. I mean he was one of my really close friends it seems as if ill only have one friend my whole life.

I sighed and then tried to go to sleep until my dad said "wake up you dont deserve to sleep little bitch" so i just sat and stared out the window to the forest.

When we pulled up at our new house i was surprised to see it nice looking. It was 2 storys with 4 rooms amd 3 bathrooms i went inside and choose my room and started to unpack all of my stuff. i thought about all of the stuff happening in my life... I thought about mom. I missed my mom a lot. I cried myself to sleep that night.

"Shes droppimg out of school cause she dont need the grades

The colors in her hair don't seem to fade

I get dressed up when i go out but she get dressed down"

My alarm blared throught my ears. I turned it off as i sat up. Oh yeah school today. As i got out of the shower i did my makeup and decided on wearing my light washed jeans with fake tears, my pink chevron crop top, black combat boots, and my flower crown, and curled my hair after i grabbed my silver iphone 5s i went down stairs got into my white range rover i drove to school. yeah i may hae a shitty dad but i have a job so i buy my own stuff.

As i was looking at my schedule walking down the hall i bumped into someone

"watch were your going bitch" some girl with a caked up face and beach blobde hair said to me as she pushed me to the ground sending my stuff flying everywere.

As i started picking my stuff up and boy came and helped me pick them up. I looked at him he had blonde hair but his roots were brown so im guessing he dyed it. He had bright blue eyes and had on a white t-shirt with black skinny jeans and white supras. He handed me my papers

"are you ok?" He asked and i noticed he had an irish accent

"yeah im fine thanks"

"her name is cassidy shes the most popular girl in school. Shes also a whore, slut, and bitch" we both got a good laugh out if that.

"Im niall whats your name?"

"Im emma"

"well emma, can i see your schedule?" As i handed him my schedule our hands brushed a little bit

"well we have all of our classes together except for math.

"Ok good i dont wanna be alone" i chuckled

Omg they finally met what do you think will happen next comment and vote please

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