Chapter 5

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Emmas pov:

Finally i was able to check out of the hospital. Wow i hate that place.

"Bye bitchesss" i yelled as me amd niall walked towards his car.

"Wow you sure are mean to people who saved your life" niall said to me

"Well who ever said that needles cant kill you hmmm? Thats right those evil things can and so can doctors one day they might be hungry and leave you in the room to die"

Me and niall looked at each other and then burst out into hysterics. We finally sobered up and we drove to his house wich would ve the house i would be staying at for a while until the police find me a new place to live.

He gave me a tour of his whole house then. He brought my stuff that we gathered up earlier up the stairs. I followed him silently he opened a door to a nice looking room.

"This is the guest bedroom wich you will be sleeping in for a while" he told me showing me were the closet and bathroom was in the room. After unpacking most of my stuff. I finally fell asleep after an hour of tossing and turning. Then i had a nightmare that ive been having the past few weeks


I came home from school that day ready to tell my parents how good my first day of the 3rd grade was.

As i walked towards my house i saw cop cars all outside of my house with flashing lights i saw them carry something out covered up on top of a stretcher

I walked inside my house and saw my dad crying but i didnt see my mom anywere

"Daddy? Wheres mommy?" I asked him. He looked down at me with his tear stained face and sad eyes.

"M-mommys gone baby" he said softly to me.

"Were did she go?" I started to get tears in my eyes.

"She went into paradise" he started to cry again


I woke up and started to cry. I got up and walked over to nialls room i opened to door quietly and walked over to were he silently layed and shook him

"What happen- emma?" He squinted since it was hard to see in the dark

"Y-yeah can i sleep with you i had a nightmare"

"Yeah sure" he scooted over so there was room for me.

I got into his bed and hugged him silently crying still thinking about my dream. He turned and we both slept in each others arms all night.

I woke up to a loud thud i sat up and saw niall on the ground woth his pants half way up.

"Sorry, i sorta tripped trying to put on my pants" his face turned a light shade of pink.

"Hahahahaha niall are you ok?" I was laughing so hard that i started to cry.

"Yeah im fine and since you just got out of the hospital you dont have to go to school for the whole week" he told me

"Ugh dont remind me of that place also know as hell" i joked and i heard him chuckle.

"Well love i have to go to school" he came over and gave me a hug and a kiss on the forehead he pulled away slowly and we stared into each others eyes. He slowly leaned in clesing his eyes.

The next chapter they will become some thing more than fri- i mean i cant tell you or anything ha ha ha well goodbye lovelies

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