Chapter 3

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"Alice, honey, don't go to far." My mother called from the porch.

" Okay mommy!" A seven year old version of me called back to her before running into the woods. Giggling I ran to my clearing, wanting nothing more than to explore even further past it. When I reached it, I found someone was already there.

"Quinn is that you?" I called to the cat eared boy. He turned to me and grinned.

"Jeez Alice, what took so long? I've been waiting forever." He was clearly irritated as he pulled me into a hug.

"You know, some of us are normal and have to go to school." I teased and started for the treeline. "I'm gonna make it all the way up this time!" I called over my shoulder.

"How was school?" He asked trailing behind me.

"S'okay. Raven, my friend, kissed Tommy Newton at recess. I guess she ain't scared of cooties anuh more. Jack Finch says he's gonna marry me and Lisa-"

"Who's Jack Finch? Why's he wanna marry a tomboy like you?" Quinn raised an eyebrow and smiled at the idea of anyone wanting to marry me.

"Jack said I'm the purdiest girl in the whole world and one day he's gonna take me to the chapel and we're gonna get married." I told him while climbing higher up the tree.

"Alice, you don't really want to marry him do you? He's infested with cooties." Quinn tried to reason. I made it 15 feet before stopping to answer him.

"Jack is the sweetest kid I know, he does not have cooties." I called down to Quinn, who rarely ever climbed with me. He said he had to stay down there in case I fall, I never did though.

"Fine, I take it back. Now get down here, I wanna show you something." Sighing I picked my way back down, Quinn was so weird sometimes.

"Okay weirdo, what is it?"

"Close your eyes and don't peak till I say so." I nodded and obeyed. A few seconds later I heard him say, "so" When I opened my eyes I saw he held a flower. In the middle of it was a pixie.

"Quinn where did you find her?"

"In the woods, she was just sitting on a leaf, sun bathing."

"Quinn you gotta take her back, that was her home."

"Fiine, I'll take her back. I guess I'll see you tomorrow. Bye Alice."

"Bye Quinn." I called as he walked away. Finally, I can go exploring.

Hours later.

"Alice what is on your eye?" My mother asked as I walked into the house.

"I dunno mommy, is it my eyelid?" I asked her thoroughly confused.

"B-baby, were you playing with someone in the woods today?" My mother sounded terrified.

"Yes mommy,I was playing with Quinn, the cat eared boy. He showed me this beautiful little pixie and I made him put it back." I said sounding pleased with myself for acting so grownup.

"Do you play with the cat eared boy often?" My mother sounded distant and frightened.

"Yes mommy, every day before I explore. Are you alright?"

"Honey I don't want you playing with that boy again. He is a demon and is very dangerous." I nodded and stifled my tears. When I looked in the mirror I saw that I had a small cresant impinted into my right eye. Mommy told me that this meant when I was older I was destined to do great things. I was given a Hero's Mark.

Flashback over

Whale that happened so what evs

Feel free to message me questions if your confuzzied

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