Chapter 8

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Ho. Ly. Shit. He is fucking here. What the hell? "Alice? Alice, what's wrong?" Quinn asked worriedly.

I realised I was still staring at Axel and averted my gaze. "Alice, what is it? Do you know him from somewhere?" I kept my mouth shut and stared at my black combat boots. "Axel?" Quinn growled. Axel glanced from him to me and smirked.

"Never seen this bitch before. Sorry, can't help there." He said cockily. He was really good at lying, had I not spent a good year and a half with this bastard I might've believed him.

"Whatever, let us through Axel." Turner said, sounding agitated.

"I can't do that, Bunny Boy. You and Furball are in direct violation of at least three of the Queen's. 10 Accordances. You must be detained immediately." Axel had a smug on his face.

"What do you want, Jack?" I asked, fear lacing my voice. When I addressed him his smile grew. I felt as if I was on the verge of tears. Even after six months he still had this hold over me.

"My silly little girl, anything I could possibly want from you I have already taken."

Quinn, who was staring at me intently, suddenly whipped around and growled at something behind us. I tore my gaze from Jack and looked behind me.

Standing at the lip of the tunnel was roughly ten men, all around my age and dressed in what looked like black pajamas. A blonde boy moved to the front of the group and took in our small party. "Turner Lepus, Quinn Felis, you two are under arrest for infracting three Accordances set upon us by the mighty Queen of Hearts. Take them away."

Eight of the men left with possibly the only two slightly sane people here leaving me alone with Jack, the leader, and one of his men.

"What am I to do with the variable, sir?" The man with dark hair asked.

"Take her to my private chambers, she will be needed later. As of now I have business to discuss with Mr Janus." The dark haired boy nodded and started to move towards me. Regaining my senses I ran to one of the doors and tried to jerk it open. When it didn't budge I moved to the next. I glanced over my shoulder and saw him leisurely walking towards me.

By the time I had reached for the third door he had made his way to me. Without even blinking he snatched both of my hands and pinned them behind my back.

I think I'll stop here... I is tired. You guys are great, you know that? You don't have to read this, and yet you do. I know it kinda sux but thnx for reading.

Alright you smexy unicorns, enough of this sappy shit. You guys should go to YouTube and watch my video YOLO Must Die featuring me, GendrBentEdwardEleric, and AshesMoore. That's all folks...



Kay bye lovies!




I can't believe I just said that, watevs...

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