Chapter 4

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"What's that? It sounds pretty cool, were is it?" I said faking innocence.

"You aren't very good at lying Alice." He noted calmly.

"I think I would know weather or not I'm being honest hun, but thanks for the input." I was starting to get agitated, why couldn't he just drop it?

"Alice, Quinn needs your help." I froze, how did he possibly know about an imaginary character I had as a child?

"That's ridiculous, Quinn is an child's fantasy and I have already grown up. I don't know how you learned about that but just forget it, I think its time you grew up to." So I admit I was being harsh but those were memories of a foolish child who did not need to be rehashed.

I paid for my food and found Ian sitting at our usual table. I sat down across from him and started picking at my food.

"Who were ya talkin to? Your boyfriend?" Ian asked seriously. He believes I have a secret lover who I hide to protect my reputation. I just laugh at him, knowing I'm not pretty enough to have any kind of lover.

"No you weirdo, that's the new kid. He kept trying to convince me that some fictional character needed saving." I shook me head slowly. "I wonder what he was taking."

For the rest of lunch we talked about random stuff. Every time I looked up I saw him staring intently at me. As soon as the bell rung I threw my stuff away and hurried to my next class, FACS. I put my stuff under the table and grabbed a recipe card.

"Alice, can you come here for a second?" Mrs. Lightlos said. I walked over to her desk and stood next to Turner.

"Ma'am?" I said kindly. Her and I have always gotten along.

"Do you mind partnering with Mr

Murres for the rest of the unit?" Turner glanced at me and smirked. C'mon Alice, in out in out.

This is gonna be just fan-fucking-tastic.


So I have zero motivation at all. And there are finals this week. I don't know how all these other writers do it... anywho I think I'm gonna do an interview with a characters in an authors note after you get to know them better.

So, what's with Quinn huh?

I leave you with that.

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