Chapter 5

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I tapped my foot and leaned against Ian's red sports car. Where da fauq is this loser? Great, now I sound like a bad friend... and I'm talking to myself again. Good job Alice, explaining things to nonexistant peoples. "Ahem," the jerkface himself inturrupted my mental scolding. "You ready to go, Paisley?"

"Yeah let's blow this joint, Johnson." I replied hopping into the passengers seat. We drove to his house in silence. When we got there we sat in the car for a few minutes, thinking. "Hey Johnson, love ya dude."

He stared at me for a few seconds before responding. "Love you too, weirdo. Come on, let's go inside."

"You go ahead. I'll be in in a little  bit." He frowned but went into the house. I sighed and leaned back, trying to shove all these feelings back into their little box. Feeling someone staring at me I sat up and scanned the tree line. Just as I decided to give up my eyes caught sight of a black jacket. I looked closer and realised it was Turner. He gave me a pointed look before walking back into the forest.

I scribbled a quick note telling Ian I had to go home and jumped out of the car, following turner. Since he was walking I caught up with him pretty quickly. "Why the hell are you here. I told you that stuff about Quinn is a bunch of bull."

"Have you honestly forgotten about me, Alice?" Someone behind me.

Ah, shit.

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