Someone close to you passes away

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Someone close to you passes away

You had just had the worst phone call conversation probably possible.
You had just got off the phone to your best friends mum. She called to tell you that your best friend, the one since kindergarten through to now, had killed herself.
You talked to her for a while, silently sobbing, trying to keep strong for her sake.
When she hung up you completely broke down.
You dropped your phone, dropping to your knees and sobbing your heart out. Y/B/F/N had been there for you and you felt terrible for not being there for her, You had a though that you could help her. Ashton must of heard your crying so he came upstairs to see what the commotion was. You let all you feelings out and what happened, him comforting you all the steps of the way, he let you soak his T-shirt with your tears.

Your mum had just called you, giving you heartbreaking news that your 16 year old sister had passed away.
Sure, you and your sister had gotten into rater huge fights, once she tried to... uh... stab you BUT ANYWAY MOVING ON.
You still loved her and never got to say goodbye. You never got to help her through the stuff older sisters are meant to do, you never got to see her grow up, get married or be an Aunty. You just wish you were there, Michael had just walked through the door and noticed that your makeup was everywhere and your eyes were red and watery. He rushed to your side as you told him everything your mother told you, he even shed a few tears himself.

You and Luke were at his place, you were crying your heart out over your mothers passing.
She had sadly lost her battle with cancer. The sad thing was that you never really told her how much you love her. You didn't realise how much it would hurt until she was gone. You couldn't stop crying, the tears fell down your face uncontrollably. You never got to properly say goodbye, She really loved Luke and she never got to see you both get married or anything. Luke was there, telling you how much he knew she loved you and vice versa. He would do anything to make you feel the slightest bit better.

"W-we were i-icing cupcakes... and she c-called s-saying goodbye... t..that she was d-dying" You sobbed into your boyfriends shirt.
You grandmother had passed away earlier, your mum was a wreck and so were you.
"W-we didn't believe her.. She a-always says she is d-dying but never did u-until now" You hiccup. The last thing before you ended that phone call with your grandmother was 'Okay, i'll pass you over to mum. bye'
You never thought it would happen. You let it sink in that she left when you reached the nursing home, she was lying in bed, the nurses laid her down and put some makeup on her. You just couldn't help but blame yourself for not being there. The phone call you got saying she passed away was too much to handle.

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