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"I heard that THE Ashton Irwin has a crush on you!" Your best friend squeals. "Calm down, It's either a rumour or you got me mixed up with another girl" You say, shutting your locker. "He's coming! act natural!" Your best friend leans against your locker and your just stand there, confused as hell. As Ashton walks past, he stops and winks at you "Hey Y/N, See you in English" Ashton smiles. "Yeah, I guess you will" You reply, feeling your cheeks heat up. Ashton smiles again, looking at the ground and walking away, smile still on his face.
"Yep, he winked at you, he wants you" Your best friend nods.

"Oh wow, Michael is so cute.. He's so sweet and manages to make me smile.." You gush to your friend. She smiles at you before speaking up. "You really do like him, don't you?" She asks, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "Yes.. I really do.." You smile at the ground, You hear someone clear their throat from behind you. You turn around to see a smirking Michael and you feel so humiliated.
"I'm glad you feel the same" He takes a step closer to you and your friend whispers a goodbye into your ear before walking away.
Your heart fluttered. Was this a dream? It's a pretty damn good one too.
"W-what?" You ask and Michael takes another step towards you. "I like you, Y/N. So how about you meet me out the front of the school when school ends and i'll take you out to get a bite to eat" Michael smiles that beautiful smile of his.
"I'd love that" You beam as Michael leans down, pressing a kiss to your cheek.

"Oooh! Lukey has a cruuush!" Ashton teases his bandmate.
"Shut up Ashton!" Luke blushes and Michael rests his hand on Luke's shoulder. "He's blushing!" Calum points out and Luke rests his head in his hands.
"Why am I friends with you guys" Luke groans, his hands muffling his words. "What was that about Y/N?" Michael asks, earning a slight punch in the arm.

"Look at him though! How could you think that Calum Hood is not attractive!?" You scold your group of friends as you watch Calum and his friends play soccer.
"I didn't say that.. I said that I didn't like him the way you do.." One of your friends says and your mouth forms an 'o'.
"But still.. Isn't he perfect?" You swoon and you hear 2 if your friends that were guys, fake gag. "Shut it" You warn them, going back to watching your crush.


I am sorry that some of these were larger than others, I like to detail things. I am not showing favouritism at all, okay?

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