Games Played Part23

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Angela Debated long enough
She just had to
There was no way around it

She decided she had to Visit Todd in jail only because she felt as though she needed answers

She placed her bags on the  scanner.The officer watched her as she walked through the metal detector . She started to feel as if though she was a criminal

"No privacy geesh"she said shaking her head looking at a lady officer as she walked to the end of the scanner and grabbed her purse.

"I'm here to see Todd Manuel"she said passing her id to the officer .

He passed her back her id and a piece of paper

"Have a seat near the glass windows we will call the number on  your paper along with the booth number when the inmate is seated"

Angela said "Thank you" as she walked to her seat  .

"Window6 booth 6"

Angela heard her ticket and the booth number walked over to look for the signs that directed her to her spot .

Todd looked at her with no emotion

He picked up the phone and she picked up her phone because the way the jail was set up for visitation there was a glass in between the inmate and the visitor and they would have to talk through the telephones but they could still communicate by  looking at each other through the glass.

"Why did you come here"?Todd said looking at Angela

She paused and said nothing

He stared at her

And asked again

"Why the fuck are you here"

"I needed answers because this whole situation is crazy and if you didn't kill Jasmine who did"?

"I don't even know who killed Jasmine how can I tell you something i don't know"
he stared her in her eyes.

"It didn't have to be this way" Angela said

"It's way deeper then you would ever know so don't come in here with this judgemental shit im gonna be locked up for the rest of my life I don't need the bullshit" he yelled in the phone slowly getting aggitated

"You don't think you deserve to be in here for the rest of your life ,you killed alot of people ,you hurt alot of innocent people even set women up to be raped you've had power over my life for a very long time "she had to get her point across

"Well I see you've found yourself in a bit of a love roller coaster do you think if Jasmine was still alive that Mike would consider you? yeah for all we know you could have set up Jasmine to be shot''he laughed

"Oh please I could care less about Jasmine,i feel sorry that she died but me and Mike are not Serious"she sounded seductive at this point

"I'm not about to play with you Angela you think because I'm In here I have no Power I still have power I can see, hear, and still make moves from here" he reassured her

"I just need to know what is going on ,is Jasmine really your sister"?


"But before everything started going sour for me and the money issues with me, and Mike went into play I knew nothing about her being my sister I just knew I had a sister and it was too late"he starts getting agitated talking about it.

"It's so much that needs explaining and I'm tired even though I don't like you I need your help I've learned to forgive you ,I need closure Mike needs closure and Your nephew is going to need answers so I need the truth "she pleaded with Todd

"Why did you need that money? You've never been broke"

"Man i got into a big  Mess with Carlos "!

"Carlos Maloney"?she yelled

"Yeah Carlos Maloney"he stared straight into her eyes

A officer walked over to the booth and said "Mam visitation is over in 5mins so please start to rap it up" he walked off with his hands in his pocket

Angela didn't take her eyes off of Todd

She shook her head at the officer

"We were up one night getting high just me and Carlos, we were playing a poker game all of a sudden he's goes to telling me these stories about how he paid Mike some money to kill 2people ,I asked him why was he telling me that's him and Mikes business"

He says "No I think it's your business"

So I know I was high coked up and the Remy started getting to me I tried to concentrate

He stood up near my chair n Said "Mike and some guys from your crew was payed to kill your father and your little brother Isiah I was payed to stay quiet but If you follow my instructions I'll give you all the information just stay cool."

"So you think Mike killed your baby brother "?

"I know Mike killed him"

"Why because crooked ass Carlos Told you that..because your too stupid to realize he used u because you for all his dirty work ?"

"Listen I know Carlos is crooked but he showed me video"Todd said

"Mam your visitation is over"the officer walked in to escort Angela back to the front desk

She didn't even tell Todd bye but suddenly things are starting to be pieced together she now is starting to understand what went wrong with Todd, and Mike isn't all the way in the clear yet either..

She sticks her key inside her car door opens the door sits down there is a Note sticking to the passenger side seat

it Reads

" I see you"

She panicked looked around put her seatbelt on and headed back to Mike.

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