Chapter III❤

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You only get one chance at life, live it how you want to and not how people tell you to💜.

Looking at her watch she saw that it was 7:05 a.m which meant that she had ten minutes to get to the diner so she could get breakfast before it was opening time.

Though her mom had made breakfast they were running low on groceries and she wouldn't be able to get more until the following week so she did what she thought was best and got breakfast at the diner so it would last longer for her mom and Navee, determined she could survive missing a few meals until then, but one of the benefits of working at Linda's was that they got free meals which came in handy for her especially for times like this.

Ms. Linda would often times allow her to bring home extra food for her family when she was running low on money as she was the only person that really knew what Nicole was going through.

It seemed like the day wouldn't be a busy one as it wasn't as busy as the previous weeks were with just a few people seen jogging or walking their dogs in the park and it was a great day for doing just that being Spring and the clear blue sky along with the blooming of the flowers seemed to be giving life to everyone passing by.

Nicole was so caught up in her thoughts that she didn't realize she was now at the entrance of the diner. Entering the diner she saw the other two waitresses, Amanda and Diana sitting with Ms. Linda and Jeffery the chef, they were all really close and a lot like a family, always bickering yet they looked out for each other.

"Hey Nicky, breakfast is in the back if you want." Jeffery's one of the sweetest persons she knew, despite looking like he could kill you with his pinky he was really a teddy bear that was so shy it was cute and anyone who took the time to know him would come to the same conclusion.

"Thanks Jeff, hey guys." She greeted everyone as she went into the kitchen with only ten minutes to spear until opening time to get something to eat before time ran out.

Soon the diner was filled with customers and everyone was busy serving with not a minute to spear.

Before she knew it it was noon and the diner was starting to become scattered with only a few customers left, feeling weary she went into the back to grab a cup of black coffee to help me stay awake. Half way through brewing Amanda came in notifying her that Mr. Ravellino was asking for her and then the previous day's conversation came running through her mind, she really hoped he wasn't there to talk about that as that could be the only possible reason he was there as he never visited on a Sunday. Nicole really didn't have time for that when she had other important things to worry about.

"Ok thanks, Amanda." Entering the diner she walked over to their usual table where instead of Frank there was a man looking to be in his mid twenties in a black Ralph Lauren two piece suit matched with a purple shirt and tie, a black Stefano Bemer shoes and a Zenith Christopher Columbus watch furiously texting away on his phone, before she could say anything he spoke up ordering her to sit without even as much as looking at her, "I'm sorry, who are you?" She asked curious about the man sitting in front of her, everything about him screamed darkness.

"I thought I told you to sit Ms. Wilson." His tone stern and still not looking up. Nicole didn't know what came over her when she did what she was told it's as though he had complete control over her body. She sat opposite him for a minute in awkward silence before he placed his phone on the table and finally looked up, he had a well defined jawline and brown eyes that you could easily get lost in and his well groomed black hair gave him a mysterious look, he was the epitome of God's gift to women.

"Who are you and how do you know me?" He looked at her and offered a humourless laugh, "I'm sure you know who I am." Nicole looked at him, confusion etched on her face, "You can drop the façade, you may have been able to deceive my old man but I assure you I'm not my father." After knowing Frank for the past three years Nicole was all too well familiar with his accent and could tell an Italian accent from a mile away and then it hit her, the accent, his father, "You're Frank's son." He looked at her clearly irritated.

"I must admit, either the old man is no longer as good as he used to be or you're really good at deception." Feeling vilified she felt her anger begin to rise, standing she apprised him between clenched teeth "You do not know me or anything about me, if you need anything else I'm sure one of the other waitresses will attend to you." Turning on her heels she heard him say something that got her attention, "How is your moms chemotherapy coming along"? As calmly as she could she queried, "How do you know about my mom?" He looked at her with a smirk plastered on his face.

"If you want to know I suggest you take a seat Nicole." Sitting she looked him straight in the eye fighting the urge to reach across the table and pull his eyes out. "When you have money like I do nothing is out of your reach. You obviously wouldn't know anything about that." She rolled her eyes at how obnoxious he sounded. "What do you want?" He was getting on her last nerves.

Sliding a folder across the table to her she opened it and was shocked at what she had before her, all the debts that her family owed, her mother's medical bills their mortgage, everything was all in the folder. "Now that we're on the same page let's get down to business. Whatever my father may have promised you, you can now forget because it will never happen, I however have a new proposal for you." He was nothing like his father had portrayed of him for the past three year to Nicole, "You and I will be married for a year to which you will be given a million dollars in installments for the duration of our marriage, the first payment of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars will be deposited into your account on the day of our marriage. In return I expect that you will portray the role of a normal, happy wife, be completely faithful and for this arrangement to stay between us. At the end of the year the final deposit will be made and we will part ways for and there will be no mention of this made even then." Nicole thought he must be crazy if he actually thinks that she would marry him, no amount of money could get her to marry the bastard.

"There's no way I'm goi--" before she could finish her sentence he cut her off, "Before you say anything bare in mind Nicole you are in no position to negotiate, take it or leave it. At the back is a contact, I'll be back tomorrow at noon for your answer and I expect you will have it signed."

Before she could say anything else he got up and left getting into his car that was parked outside the diner.


I swear wattpad is going to be the death of me, they deleted this chapter twice and it was so🔥, I tried my best to make it as good but it's not even half. 💆

Picture of Nicole in MM.

What do you think of Valentino? I think he's a douche.😑


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