Chapter VI ❤

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Saturday came around quite fast as Nicole sat on the edge of her bed packing her things, there really wasn't much to pack other than her personal belongings which could all hold in a few boxes.

She had spent the week working at the diner and trying to get in as much time as she possibly could with her family. After telling Ms. Linda that she could no longer work at the diner she wanted to know why but Nicole told her it was complicated and that she wasn't able to talk about it. Ms. Linda was ok with her leaving as she told Nicole that there would always be a place at the diner if she ever decided she wanted to come back.

Nicole thought it was only right that she worked the week off for free while Ms. Linda found her replacement, though it wasn't nearly enough time for Ms. Linda to do so it was the best Nicole could do considering the circumstances.

Standing at the entrance of Nicole's room Mariah looked at her daughter remembering all the memories she had of Nicole growing up, a few of which contained her husband.

Nicole had always been shy as a child growing up but she was so loving and full of life that Mariah could never understand why Nicole had only had one friend or why they had drifted apart over the past few years. Mariah was proud of the creature she had created.

The daughter she raised, though she wasn't able to give her daughter everything she wanted, she did her best to make sure she got what she needed. Seeing her daughter engaged to the man she loved moved her to tears knowing that there was someone that made her daughter happy which in turn made her happy.

Wiping the tears away she sat on the bed next to Nicole in a comfortable silence, neither of the women saying anything as Mariah helped to pack her things.

It was five fifty-five when they heard the knock on the door, neither of them wanting to answer knowing they would have to face the reality of her leaving, yet Nicole knowing it was for the greater good for her mom. So she answered the door.

Opening the door she looked into his dangerous yet beautiful brown eyes. "Hi." Was the only word she could utter at the man she thought of as ghastly yet somewhat her saviour.

Looking at her Valentino saw the broken soul of a beautiful young woman through her eyes but he knew better than to believe that she was anything but a wolf in sheep's clothing. The woman that had deceived his father into pushing him to give up his happiness just so that she could have her hands on his family fortune, but Valentino wasn't his father, wasn't as trustworthy as him and a lot smarter as would be proven in the months to come when the deal was over and everyone got what they wanted. His father's wish to see him married and settled before allowing him to take over the family business, she would be compensated for her services and get the hell out of his life and he would get what he has always wanted, to take control of the business and convince the woman that he has been in love with since he was 16 to marry him despite his father's disapproval of her.

"Are you ready?" His voice cold sending shivers running through her body. Nodding her head, he ordered the men that she hadn't noticed that had been standing behind him to put her things in the truck and bring them to his home.

Taking one of the most prized possession she had owned since she was six that was given to her for her birthday by her father at a time when she was the happiest she went to Navee's room and placed the stuffed bear under his arm careful not to wake him so he would know that she was thinking of him before she left, she then placed a light kiss to his forehead.

Entering the living room once more she bid her last goodbye to her mother, both women careful not to let their tears be seen.

Stepping into the chilly evening air Nicole instantly regretted her choice of clothing as she waited by his car while he had a conversation with her mom curious as to what they were talking about yet not being able to stay to listen as she could no longer stop her tears.

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