Chapter VII❤

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Waking up Nicole adjusted her eyes to the sunlight, looking around the unfamiliar room she wondered where she was before remembering that she was now in the room of what would be her new home for the next year. Covering her head she snuggled back into the soft pillow. Hearing her stomach growl she groaned and pushed off the covers before heading to the bathroom to get cleaned up.

Leaving her room she headed down the hallway where she noticed that there were two staircase, not noticing the extra staircase the night before she decided to follow her instinct and take the one that was closest to her room. Descending the stairs she got a clear view of the living room door as she ended up in the kitchen where she saw Alyson standing at the sink with her back towards her, "Good morning Alyson." Sitting at the breakfast bar Alyson turned and faced Nicole "Good morning Ms. Wilson."

"Please, call me Nicole." She said a little louder than a whisper to the woman with a small smile to which Alyson returned, "So, Nicole, what would you like for breakfast?" Thinking, Nicole answered, "Uhm, an omelette will be fine, thanks." Nodding Alyson went and gathered the necessary ingredients while Nicole looked around the room.

"Did you sleep well last night?" Alyson asked. Nicole had not slept half as good as she did last night and feel so well rested in a long time, "Yes." Nicole kept her answer simple not wanting to tell the lady just how much she really enjoyed it, all she got from Alyson was a small smile, showing just how pleased she was.

Of all the friends Valentino had brought home and God knows there had been many half naked women that Alyson had met in the kitchen at 7 in the morning over the years she had been working there helping themselves to the food and leaving behind a mess that she was left to clean, and never once had they ever acknowledged her presence.

She had never liked any of the women, they were all the same, rich, obnoxious, stick figured women who all felt they were better than her because she was 'just the help'. But Nicole, she was different from all the other women she had ever met and the moment she saw her she could tell that she was unlike any of his other friends, her innocence clear for the world to see and obviously shy or quiet, she wasn't quite sure which it was.

Several minutes passed before Alyson placed a perfectly made omelette with orange juice in front of Nicole. Thanking Alyson Nicole dug in savouring the delightful taste it left on her taste buds. Half way through finishing her omelette Valentino walked in barking into his phone in fluent Italian, though Nicole had no idea what he was saying the harshness of his voice made her cringe internally and she was happy she was not on the receiving end of the call yet she felt sorry for whoever was, Alyson left shortly following.

Standing at the glass door facing the backyard Nicole stared at his broad shoulders that his well pressed grey Armani suit clung to, it's as though he had it tailored to his body. Ending the call Valentino placed his phone in the inside of his jacket pocket, facing Nicole he caught her looking at him despite her failed quick attempt to look away, which left a smirking Valentino.

Hating the idea of having to leave the comfort of his home on a Sunday morning to head to his office to fix some disaster that his secretary had brought to his attention just a few moments ago he knew he had no other choice.

Looking at the woman that was seated at his breakfast bar with her brown hair in a ponytail and a few strands that had escaped and hung loosely at the sides he told her. "My Personal Assistant will be here in fifteen minutes with some new clothes that will occupy your wardrobe as of now as opposed to your current ones. She will choose your clothes as according to my taste." Nicole didn't know what to think of his statement but who was she to argue, after all she was now in his world and she really didn't mind getting the new clothes.

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