Chapter Four | Word Vomit

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I don't really care who you are—Amanda Bines, Madonna, the pope. It doesn't matter. A person will never be prepared for the day they meet their soul mate. You can write a script and rehearse your every line, but nothing will ever go the way you want it to because your body just starts taking over the moment your eyes meet. Your mind goes into under-drive—pretty much complete mush, and your body just goes into auto-pilot. The only words wanting to leave your lips being 'bang me right now'.

I really wish I was lying.

I was completely and utterly lost just staring in the dark blue depths of his eyes. I don't really think he was registering what I had just said. I don't blame him. I did just admit to trying to murder him. In all fairness though, he did snap my neck, so he kind of deserved it.

"So, your name's Kaia," he breathed. His minty breath fanning my face making me shudder. Normally, I was not one to have someone speaking so closely to my face. I would have thrown him across the room. Well, I would have attempted to, but in the moment I wasn't minding it. I actually really, really liked it.

"And you're Matteo." I was extremely grateful that those three words managed to slip out rather than 'take me now'. I'm not against that side of myself at all. I would just rather allow him to meet that side of me once we were out of here living rogue.

Matteo nodded. "Sorry I snapped your neck by the way."

"It's fine. I would have done the same to you if you hadn't." Sentences were just spewing out of my mouth. It was complete and utter word vomit.

I was generally used to my bluntness. Speaking my mind without worry was one thing I was very good at. Some days it was a curse, and other days it was a blessing. I just had to make the most of the word vomit that spewed from my lips that never seemed to stop moving.

We just stayed in our position for another moment before I assume the words I had spoken from earlier clicked into Matteo's head. His dark eyes widened before clearing his throat and stepping back. His strong, muscular arms fell down to his sides as he stood a good few feet away from me. I propped myself up using my elbows to stare directly at him.

I understood entirely why Jack must feel threatened by my mate. First of all, Matteo is the most stunning thing I had ever laid eyes on. From his dark tousled hair which had my fingers aching feeling the need to run through it to his brawny, herculean body, what guy wouldn't be threatened? I'm surprised girls fall for anyone other than Matteo. He sets the bar pretty high. Not to mention, Matteo's entire aura just screamed 'I can and will kill you'. I don't base this entirely off of the fact that he stands at a height of at least 6'2 (I wouldn't be surprised if someone told me he was like 6'4, honestly) or that he looks like he could squish my entire body just between his thumb and forefinger. No, I say this due to the fact that Matteo looks like an ape on steroids who just found out that his parents were brutally murdered. He still managed to look absolutely gorgeous, though.

"You're a rogue," he stated pretty much examining me as if I were going to turn into an alien with five heads. I quirked an eyebrow as I pushed myself to sit up on my butt.

"Last time I checked," I replied. His expression seemed almost torn or maybe even confused. I couldn't quite put my finger on it. His jaw, which already was sharp enough to cut someone when slack, was clenched. Was he mad? Okay, I'm not that bad.

"And you thought it was smart to come so close to Caedes territory alone? What if someone would have killed you? That's risky, Kaia," Matteo pretty much growled out in anger. Frustration was spilling into his tone, as well. My brows furrowed at the mention of the Caedes Pack.

No, no. That wasn't possible. I did not cross or attempt to cross into Caedes territory.

As a rogue, you do learn to live by some rules. One of those rules being that you don't just cross over into the few packs' territories that can slaughter you in seconds. I made this mistake once before. I didn't take the warnings of going into Vindicta territory as seriously as I should have. A person would think I would learn by now seeing as I just managed to escape being imprisoned by them for so long. I guess not.

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