Chapter Thirty-One | I'm Your Hype Man

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Matteo has been working in 'Alpha overdrive' as I've been calling it (which he doesn't enjoy all too much) ever since my father informed me that my mother comes from the Apsens Pack. That news was definitely a combination of lucky and unlucky. My mother is the daughter of the Alpha to one of the largest packs in the Americas. That same pack also just happens to be the most neutral pack known to man. Tell me that is not irony at its finest.

Matteo has been trying his absolute hardest to win their alliance, but even with using me as an excuse, they just won't budge. I've tried telling him to just give it up already, but I think that's just making it worse. I think he's becoming frustrated with me by how calm I am with everything that's happening.

Maybe it just hasn't sunk in yet? Maybe I'm just used to feeling fear at this point?


Obviously, I realize that what is happening is not okay. I understand that I am in danger and could very well die at any moment. It's hard not to when it's all that I ever hear about. I can't be outside alone. I can't have a meaningless conversation without someone bringing up how incredibly ignorant I am or how brave I am to be going through this without any fear. I can't do a single thing without having it somehow tie in with the fact that I'm being hunted by Vindicta.

I just keep acting like it isn't happening, though. It's my sad attempt at trying to get things to return to normal.

Jack told me that I need counseling.

He's probably right.

"Not to sound annoying, but I just want to spend some time with him," I groaned as Jack threw a cheeseball into the air for me to catch. I smiled inwardly when I managed to catch it in my mouth for the seventh time in a row.

"It was cute when you said it the first four times, but now that you've said it at least twelve, you're starting to get there," Jack commented. I rolled my eyes as he tossed another cheeseball into my mouth.

"I can't help it," I whined, "I just—"

"Want to be with him. I know," Jack finished my sentence for me. "You really need to get a hobby."

"I have hobbies," I muttered.

"Like what?"

"I like to practice my cursive, and I practice my math, and my spelling," I stated a matter-of-factly. Jack gave me a pointed look in return.

"Those aren't hobbies. Those are things Matteo makes you do when he's trying to do something that you don't care enough to attempt to understand," Jack retorted as he launched another cheeseball at my face. This time, it bounced off of my forehead and rolled onto the floor.

"That was shit," I accused as I picked up the cheeseball off of the floor before inspecting it.

"Don't do it," Jack warned. With a shrug, I popped the cheeseball into my mouth causing Jack to scrunch up his face in disgust. "Do you know how many people walk on this floor?"

"It is scientifically proven that food that has been on the floor for less than one twelfth of a minute is perfectly okay to eat," I countered. The look on Jack's face made it clear how much he didn't believe what I was saying.

"First of all, no it's not," he stated, raising one finger before raising another to make another point. "Second of all, are you talking about the five second rule?"

"See, I told you it's a real thing." Jack found that comment very unamusing.

"Maybe you just need some friends." I couldn't stop the scoff from escaping past my lips.

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